So for real, is the Jezebel staff ever going to come out and explicitly state why they beef with veganism so much? Out of all the lifestyle choices to strike against, this seems like one of the lowest in priority.
So for real, is the Jezebel staff ever going to come out and explicitly state why they beef with veganism so much? Out of all the lifestyle choices to strike against, this seems like one of the lowest in priority.
Um. I think we need “lifestyle feminism” too. Because what does it really matter if my boss thinks I’m awesome and promotes the shit out of me if I go home to someone who thinks it’s my job to handle all the household stuff?
You’re the kind of poly person who makes all the other poly people look bad. Like the atheist who can’t help but sneer condescendingly at people of faith.
I assume less sex because Millenials have a healthy fear of pregnancy and the associated costs of either continuing it or ending it and we don't have any extra money, what with those loans and underemployment and all.
Who is funding all these studies on how horrible millennials are? Every week there’s another study about what we are doing wrong. Can we please divert that money into paying back my student loans?
Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.
“Also this guy was losing the fight so pulled a gun?”
I think the Bell Jar should be less dreamy and more along the lines of Betty Draper’s episode where she shoots those birds.
“I have been with Donald for 18 years” ...Donald divorced wife 2 17 years ago.
Let’s be honest. Most Americans can’t even speak English correctly and still criticize foreigners.
“Frank’s posted a plot-thickening, grammatically unfortunate statement.”
I’m aware. I studied Spanish for about a decade. The point of the “x” is to get rid of the gender connotations altogether. There’s a school of thought that believes the use of the masculine “o” as an automatic, catch-all plural is inherently sexist.
At a quick glance, that pic looks like Trump’s head is atop the body of a serpent, which is so on-point that my personal canon is going to reflect that it’s true from now on.
For fucks sake. I am trying very hard to relate to law enforcement perspective, but I am quite tired of being told to think about how their families feel not knowing if their loved ones will come back after work, and the stress that creates. It amazes me that they demand this while failing to understand how black…
You are seriously underestimating what black people feel afraid of.