
They are pretty common. I manage Pap smear results at work, and mostly they are low-grade possible changes. Colposcopies generally come back fine though.

Going along with this, 70% of people who are exposed to HPV will eventually clear the virus out. Your immune system kicks it out just like any other virus. The current thinking is that women under 30 have such high rates of abnormal paps because they are most likely to have had their first encounter with HPV and

Ugh I’m so sorry! I always tell people that if they can’t come up with any other reason parents should try to spare their children having to go through a colposcopy or an anoscopy, which is the investigative procedure to make sure your HPV-related dysplasia isn’t cancer. These exams are unpleasant and if you have the

I just LOVE the new HPV vaccine commercial. It’s very shame heavy. It shows various some older kids who’ve gotten HPV and cancer casually talking to the screen as if it were their parents, noting that they “just guess” it wasn’t widely known when they were kids that they could have been vaxxed for it...and then shows

For dinner tonight I made myself fettuccine with thinly sliced salami, garlic and capsicum fried in olive oil and a dash or two of red wine. It was absolute heaven. Life without pasta would not be worth living.

If it weren’t for scurvy and diabetes (and basic human decency) I would like my diet to consist of primarily buttered noodles.

I’m not taking recipe advice from the blog of an adult who’s never eaten pasta before.

Bull. Fucking. Shit. She’s trying to tell us that she’s never had macaroni and cheese? PUH-LEASE.

ETA - Wow. Apparently I have strong feelings on this. Who knew??

Between this post on ONTD about his gutted reaction to Brexit and finally watching 7 Days in Hell, I think I finally get him. He’s like 1000x hotter with curly hair, though.

I like the fact that Arya being true to who she is is both what got her in trouble with the Faceless Men and what saved her life. She stole a face to kill Meryn Trant, who deserved to be killed, and was punished for it with blindness, so she learned how to fight in the dark. She refused to kill an innocent woman and

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

Granted I usually live under a rock and am actively trying to avoid a lot of the election coverage (b/c it’s more a circus than honest journalism), but these alleged “feminists” saying we need to elect Hillary b/c she’s a woman - I could swear this is mostly a strawwoman cooked up by Bernie and the RNC or trolls just

So true. Have you read this piece? It’s wonderful.

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but

Well, for a women’s site to occasionally make a point of addressing men seems a bit different from a general news site addressing men by default.

I don’t understand why it is our responsibility to take men by the hand and EXPLAIN TO THEM how NOT TO RAPE.

No. What he means is that young men have futures, and women don’t. If this guy goes to prison, he might never get to finish college. People care about that. Nobody cares about the thousands of women who drop out of school every year because of rape/assault/harassment/partner abuse. You will never read an article about

People like you are the reason why she likely spent most of the last 500 days blaming herself for what happened to her, just like other rape victims do. Feeling angry towards herself, instead of towards her abuser. “I shouldn’t have worn such revealing clothing.” “I shouldn’t have gotten drunk.” “I should have asked