
If I followed my partner’s lead without asking more of him, we’d both be miserable fucks. The little things he doesnt do that I do for him, he doesn’t notice. Like he just thinks the floors and countertops don’t build up a shitload of dirt. On the otherhand, if I don’t ask him to do shit, he won’t even think to do it.

The correct answer is: USAs uniforms should have been designed by Ivy Park.

But without the draft, what will MRAs have to howl “UNFAIR!!??” about?

For fuck’s sake. As Rando said, she wasn’t talking about anything to do with reproduction. It’s exactly the same as saying the name of ANY OTHER BODY PART BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT IS CALLED. Good for her for refusing to use some stupid euphamism.

None of the concern trolls seem to be upset that John left his nine days old to have a meal....

One day, I’m just going to go up to each of these lunatics protesting outside of abortion clinics and ask them to support a charity that helps infants who have mothers that unfortunately don’t make enough money to take care of them. I’m going to ask them to volunteer their time or if they can donate items or money and

likes to?

Breasts and genitalia are two VERY different things brother. A lot of men have breasts and a lot of women pretty much don’t. It’s just staight up inequality to allow men to shirtless and forcing women to cover up. The fact that the police officer had to ask “Are you a boy or a girl?” meant that he literally COULDN’T

Best song off the album.


Girl YES.

As a white girl with giant lips, I have to say fuck this trend. Seriously, fuck it hard.

Um, Mom? As the wife of a university professor, I can tell you that that is what the instructor’s office hours are for, as well as the writing lab. He could get all the assistance he needs, if he just pulled his head out of his ass, and did some work. Sorry, not sorry, he’s going to fail, and he deserves to with an

Frank’s Red Hot is the best hot sauce thank you goodbye.

Will fudge be made around the corner?


The question was broad enough to include sexual harassment, which doesn’t necessitate ever being laid hands on. It’s the most common out of any of the three things she’d mentioned, and the most likely to not involve alcohol or parties.

Actually, according to the NIH, alcohol is involved in approximately 50% of rapes and sexual assaults. So, autumnrhythym’s experience is a common one in that half of all rapes don't involve alcohol at all...

Pretty much. You should be inside making sandwiches for the menz, not running around like a harlot trying to get an education.

you’re shocked, I know