My menstrual cup is made of lentils!
My menstrual cup is made of lentils!
That honor might have to go to Menstrual Cup
Ladies and gents: I’ve been here at Jezebel for a loooooooong time now and I would like to welcome you all to Jezebel Wedding Bingo. Here are some of your squares
-City hall
-Simple dinner with friends
-Marriage is pointless and sexist
-Engagement rings are sexist
-Wedding dresses are sexist
-Choosing to take your husband’s…
Right? Why don’t people stay in and avoid other humans anymore?
I hate it when people are assholes.
If people enjoy working out during and after pregnancy, good for them.
Yep. I was fine with the wife dying, (a whole ‘better to have loved and lost’ lesson would be fitting for the show), but going back to Robin was ridiculous and made the whole premise of Ted talking to his kids really skeevy. And what happened to Barney? Are they not friends anymore? Does he not care that Ted wants to…
We don’t need a new word. We need to rediscover an older way of dealing with loss. It’s harder to deal with death in the modern day because we’re more sanitized from it and it is treated as an ugly taboo. Because of that, there are fewer people who truly understand when one of us is slapped in the face with the full…
It still blows me away that a black person, Beyonce or not, who dares to make the request, “Stop shooting us!” is considered anti-police by anyone.
I think it’s hilarious that you are sad for an 84 year old white man, because his legacy is being tarnished, when the whole point is that women don’t get a legacy at all, and are essentially dead to the world even while they are alive.
I ate one of my teeth one time because I thought it was part of my day-old bagel.
That is a disturbing quantity of small teeth.
Dear Bride,
Yeah, but you can make returns at Sephora. That regrettable one night stand with the mail room guy, that will be hanging around until you retire or die.
Judge: “there is no tangible evidence, dna, smoking gun, just the testimony of the women”.
The ‘just’ in that sentence really gets me. Like it’s so inconsequential that three different women on three separate occasions had these experiences.
Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.