
It sounds like a a more religious version of that one Friends episode where Ross and Monica try to get on TV while dancing at Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Years Eve.

If we are talking about most inevitable and most impactful, what could possibly beat it?

True story: Many years ago I went on a date with a guy at a crab shack. After he tried to finger bang me in the back of a Ford Escort. The residual Old Bay seasoning almost killed by vagina.

This is why the argument agaist the existence of pay inequality that suggests that people would be more inclined to hire women if they’re paid less, because it would save them money is so frustratingly wrong. People don’t just arbitrarily pay women less for fun, they do it because, consiciously or not, they think that

Also why do people act like we don’t cast no name white actresses in shit every fucking day.

YES. I read the article before I watched the trailer, so I was sort of on board with the whole concept of a Pixar send-up. Then I watched the potato getting skinned alive and the carrot children being torn to shreds and I was like nope nope nope nope all of the nopes.

No kidding, that was fucking disturbing.

Preach. I have said this a million times this election year (feels more like an election decade, amirite?), women are not a special interest group, we are half the population!!!!

I liked reading this, because I know dem feels. My son is 4 and I already fight a ton of this shit for him, but I’m really gearing up for my daughter when she hits about his age, because she’s under 2 and already been hearing it to some degree for her entire life. I’m 98% on board with the basic argument here and 85%

My 6 year old made this her first time in paint. I want this on a license plate.

I wish I could tag photos still so that I could click on her face and do a comparison to what she ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE. That has been photoshopped so hard it doesn’t even look like Aniston.

I’m not even going to try to top this.

I really feel for Amy Adam. As someone that is sensitive it can be so hard to work with someone that yells or uses insults. Some people yell back or find it motivating, but I just shut down and cry. I can’t even deal with tough coaching or personal training. I do not find that type of “leadership “ motivating and

I love that Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig are more-or-less playing the straight characters. Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon will definitely shine in this.

Exactly. Two women in comedy who aren’t funny and yet I had to stop at 15 when listing the men who rose to fame and fortune, despite being completely unfunny. I could spend hours listing men in comedy who are untalented. Nevermind that Chelsea Handler and Whitney Cummings are not household names the way Jay Leno, Tim

Don’t know what this POS was thinking; however, as a resident agree with what seven newspapers stated:

Suicidal thoughts! These kids are very vulnerable and as someone who had suicidal thoughts once I can tell you that the best way to help them is to get them the hell away from guns!

Oooh. “Suddenly Kachinsky!”

Can the hottie reporter play himself?

As much fun as it is to watch the GOP freak out, this maniac should not be this close to any public office. It doesn't matter if everyone is sure that the Democrats can beat him, he should not be in a position to potentially become POTUS. I'm scared and I'm not even American.