
Reconstructionist Judaism for the win. It’s like a good deli platter. We give you the meat, a couple slices of a good rye but making the, that’s your business.

The non-electropop songs were the best part of Warrior.

Now playing

All these ‘tributes’ just make me turn them off and actually listen to the original.

But that being said, when Bowie died, one of the first things I did was watch this again.

So far more women haven’t come out of the woodwork to accuse Luke of being anything more than an asshole.

As a fellow teacher, I agree with you. No guns in the classroom - not in my students’ hands or mine. Mind you, I AM good under pressure and I’ve handled guns numerous times. Furthermore, I’ve survived two different incidents when an unstable teen put a gun to my head, and one where a student threatened to beat me up

As a teacher, I can’t see any possible outcome in which teachers aren’t blamed for not doing stuff right. If you shoot the attackers, you turn against some of the kids you teach. If you don’t shoot them, you fail to protect your students. If you didn't bring your gun of great justice to school that day, you're

“She’s important because she...I just really identified with her,” Watson reflects. “I was the girl in school whose hand shot up to answer the questions. I was really eager to learn in an uncool way. In a super uncool way, actually. And then the character of Hermione gave me permission to be who I was.”

It’s not Kesha who’s doing it. It’s EVERYONE ELSE who has seen what a fucking rape-apologizing money-hungry mega-douche Sony is.

Next time I see a guy in cargo pants I’m going to force him to build me a house. I mean, walking around looking all probably-owns-a-hammer...what did he think would happen? #CarpenterLookingAssBitch.

This tweet about Dr. Luke is my personal favorite. Especially considering Dr. Luke was one of the producers on her breakout Since U Been Gone:

Thank you for sharing! I sometimes share my own story with people if I feel they’re actually receptive to listening and, at the least, sympathizing with me. My husband (at the time, a different story there) and I decided we were finally ready to have a child and I became pregnant the same night he told me. Before I

Ask for a Naproxen script. It's still an NSAID but one 800mg naproxen nearly knocks my cramps out completely where I was taking 2-3 800mg ibuprofen before.

Luna is my kitty baby. Sometimes I just walk in and find her in the most bizarre situations. I swear she does these to herself!

My cat was such an insatiable foodbag that while some people worry their pets will eat them when they die, I used to worry that he would start on me while I was alive, and that I would wake up to find he had swallowed me up to the knee like a boa constrictor.

“Something under the conscious is going on,” Grunspan said. “For 18 years, these [young men] have been socialized to have this bias.”

But it's HER FAULT CORAL LOST HIS EYE. If she didn't stab murder kid and just shoved him into a pile of zombies Coral wouldn't come out the other end looking like a pint sized governor.

yes! haircut lady gets offed, Rick & Michonne can get together! :D

Kanyes’s new line is um, interesting.