It’s not just better training required for police officers. We need to stop hiring sociopaths for the job.
It’s not just better training required for police officers. We need to stop hiring sociopaths for the job.
Here is what the CDC should have said:
“I would hope that anybody would leave themselves open — not to gender, but to love. I would hope that people would not close themselves off from what could be if, lo and behold, you meet somebody that just sweeps you off your feet... If I fall in love down the road with a woman, I’m going to love that woman.”
I love it when people act like treating each other like human beings is some huge inconvenience that requires a ton of their effort to comply to. Certainly there are issues that require a little knowledge and nuance, but 99% is just "treat other people as human beings." I think it says a lot about these people that…
That looks like some Grade A pandering to loonies in a bid to run for reelection as King of the Turdnoggins.
Edit: Can someone please, please take me out of the greys on this one? I swear I am very usually sensible and not trolly.
Following the Hollywood diversity conversation could, at this point, be a full-time job. For Paris Barclay, the head…
Male teachers can afford to be ‘cool’, whereas female teachers have to be obviously formal and professional because being female means people automatically think of you as less professional.
This shit right here is why I’m voting for whoever the fuck gets the Democratic nomination. There is too much at stake for this hyperbole that Hillary is just another republican. Tell that to my uterus assholes.
Dear Bethenny Frankel, did you know that the US has no official language? Did you know that until the mid 19th-century, half of the US was, in fact, Mexico? Did you know that if you so choose to shop at the democratically priced Kmart, you may, in fact, run into people outside your expected wealthy white housewives…
I see. They should have consulted a nutritionist, at the very least, because there has to be something else the kid could be able to have to get the nutrients it needs. I don’t take issue with veganism- it isn’t for me, as I love cheese too much- but some people do have a rampant hatred for them that always catches me…
this is not a “vegan” thing, just cause you´re vegan doesn´t make you an idiot. you can´t be feeding an infant only cows milk either.