
It isn’t. Most vegans are happy to feed their baby breast milk or formula (usually soy formula) if breast milk is unavailable.

We did the first 3 books out loud as a family. My kindergartener is about to lose her mind if we don’t start on book 4 soon and my 4th grader got hung up in book 5 and is taking a break. We won’t let them watch the movies until they finish the book.

As a transwoman, I can definitely attest to society being more of a danger to us. When I was 24, I had my knees shattered as well as a few ribs, because some guys who were hitting on me, realized my “deception” as they called it. Not only were 3 guys working me over with a bat, and kicks, but there had to have been at

Why do you feel comfortable assuming they didn’t consider adoption? Also, some people (myself included) have insurance coverage for infertility treatments. When we decided to do ivf it was for a lot of reasons, only one of which was a 29k difference in cost because of insurance. Do you ask people who can have children

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From the same performance: “Blank Space” (jump to 1:40 if you want to skip right to the song):

Is “playing the woman card” just basically saying anything at all while having a vagina?

“Chillax” is not good advice when offered to someone discussing the results of an apparently deep personal realization about herself and the world around her, following an apprent lifetime of emotional troubles (including episodes of self-harm and at least one suicide attempt). It is trite and stupid and makes you

Really? It’s kind of crappy to tell someone to “chillax” as a response to a personal essay about their self-discovery over the past year. The author is asking serious questions about her life and emotional motivations and who are you to tell her how seriously she should take that journey?

This preoccupation took hold of me in the fall of 2010. I was foundering beneath a narrative that I had come to loathe. I was five months wed to my college boyfriend, and the tepidity of this marriage, so soon, seemed paralyzing, and my heart, never as steadfast as I assured myself, was tugging me in the direction of

Stephanie, you really do not need to cry over Bobby Flay. He looks like a botoxed alligator and is a shitheel to boot. Literally everyone hates Bobby Flay.

Grand Juries are bullshit.

Between that and the bit about menstral cycles, I need to ask: um, guys, is there a part of making sushi where you shove it in your vagina? Because if so, I’ve been doing this all wrong.

I’d like to bet it all, Alex.

I love Bernie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you can’t say sex you shouldn’t be having it, this is reappropriated from my most important rule of dating, if a guy can’t talk about vaginas or what comes out of them he does not deserve to be near one

She may BE Hermione for your generation of fans (that’s fair, those films were a big part of growing up for many, many people) but for many of us older fans, we had a lot of time between the first book’s publication in 1997 and the first movie’s showing in 2001. There are a lot of us for whom Emma Watson, or more

I took my 7 year old daughter yesterday. She laughed, cried, and cheered her little heart out. She loves Rey and the look of sheer joy and awe on her face when Rey piloted the Falcon was something I won’t forget seeing. She told me on the way to theater that boys at school told her that girls couldn’t like Star Wars

Yeah, oh totally. Happened most recently a couple months ago. Also told I needed to get a better attitude.

ByeFelipe is an Instagram dedicated to this very kind of conversation. The amount of material they have to work with is genuinely disappointing.

Somehow guys believe you’d possibly want to go out with them after they insulted you or something you care about. And then they insult your looks when they get shot down. So charming (not).