It’s a dialect, and it’s every bit as valid and correct as any other dialect as it’s all arbitrary anyway. The attitudes you are expressing are simply derivative of historical racism and classism.
It’s a dialect, and it’s every bit as valid and correct as any other dialect as it’s all arbitrary anyway. The attitudes you are expressing are simply derivative of historical racism and classism.
You are seriously out of touch. There are a shit ton of regional dialects and variations on grammar, syntax, and word usage, but the ones that get singled out for sounding “uneducated” are the ones that are specific to black communities and poor communities. Clearly you missed the part about sociolinguistics where…
Or maybe I just don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.
Right? I’m sincerely hoping that come this time next year, we are able to look back at this and uncomfortably laugh about The Racist Uncle Uprising of 2015 (while preparing to swear in President Sanders).
Nope, it’s totally fucking reasonable for your teacher to expect you to complete something you should have already been prepared for.
All I want is to not hear “Jingle Bell Rock” every other song.
get out.
I have to be honest, I found him hot with the weird stache. Like dirty hot... carny hot. But then, I am pure trash.
I look terrible in pastels. Oxblood forever.
Jesse - the worse parent in the Zombie Apocalypse. Her boys are the worst.
One minor quibble, cervical cancer screening is NOT “generally part of a Pap test” it is the main (and really only) point of the test. There is no Pap screen that does not include screening for cervical cancer.
Why can't everyone just be honest? Stop writing in for advice and have a conversation with your fucking partner. Be honest and open or shut the fuck up and go away, Jesus.
Even if it is the most strident feminist sermon in history...SO WHAT? Even if it is 1000% feminist wish-fulfillement about kicking abusers and bad men in the balls every five minutes, SO WHAT? Why should in anyways this be fair to men, who actually do a COLLOSAL percentage of the abuses in the world. See, this is why…
Oh Beth.