
I am going to miss you and your writing so much, Mark.

“A time for many people to reflect on the contributions, sacrifices and progress made by men in society.” = literally all of recorded history.

Alternative clue thread:

I have a controversial concept for conservatives, as it turns out, my life IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN A CLUMP OF CELLS. So are all womens’. You know why? Because we are already here. We have those who love us and rely on us. They will mourn our passing if we die in childbirth or from complications from a back alley

I think it’s fair to say that you’re either pro-choice or pro-death, really, since unsafe abortions can be risky for the woman, and an unwanted child, or a child born into a situation where they can’t or won’t be given proper care for whicher of the million possible reasons for that... Maybe the kid will die of a

Anti-abortion is anti-women, and yes you can be an anti-woman woman.

That’s about the size of it. Abortions won’t stop just because clinics close. They will just become incredibly unsafe, and women will die or be maimed as they attempt to terminate these unwanted pregnancies. The well-to-do will always be able to get their D&Cs, but the poor and desperate are the ones who will suffer.

They do, they want women to suffer, by any means necessary.

There are thousands of us.

Fun! Are we expelling all white males after the next gun massacre in America too? Or are we only going to imprision them? Anything to protect the citizens of Alabama ;).

i mean

(Double-checks calendar.) Yes, I can confirm it is 2015, not 1965.

.....We aren’t talking about bullies, we are talking about people who claim to have guns killing all the black students on campus. That’s not about “letting anyone win”, it’s about not wanting to die, you dip. Don’t be fucking obtuse.

*Stefan voice* This video has everything: metallic lipstick, marionettes, dancers in Ikea organizers, nail technicians, mirrored hoodies, and breakdancers on hover boards.

Kelly is my favourite and I hope they give her an All Stars spot so she can win it. I’m pretty sure they invented All Stars because they fucked up so badly when Mondo didn’t win. That said, Ashley stepped it up in her collection and I was happy with her win.

I know she says weird, stupid things. But every time I see Marion Cotillard I am blown away.

I’d pitch in to have in monogrammed.

Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.

I don’t know. They may have a point. Those cups don’t look anything like the ones Jesus drank his Gingerbread Lattes out of.

Maybe I’m being melodramatic, but watching that video at the playboy mansion with centerfolds running around in bikinis, reminded me of the bigger picture. The fact that we see sexist crap objectifying women like this ALL THE DAMN TIME in the media (videos, movies, television - every episode of “Entourage” ever