
I really don’t know. We have to try to stay angry until 2018 and hope we can restore some sanity in our government then.

Ever since this orange shitstain got elected, absolutely nothing surprises me anymore. Like, any single one of the many absurd headlines he makes every day would have seemed noteworthy or controversial maybe 5 years ago. Any single one of his racist/sexist/ableist/etc. comments, any single conflict of interest, any

No no no, “Arcade Fire” was the name of the album. The band is called “The Suburbs”.

First of all: well played.

YES. I think this is the only one where the lyrics actually match up, too, which I think helps with its catchiness (earwormy-ness?).

Thank you for posting this! I somehow missed it last year. It’s definitely much better than the previous years (with the exception of 2009, because that one is untouchable).

I had pretty much the same experience with Flip or Flop. Started hatewatching but then realized they actually seem like decent people. Also, Christina sounds just like Lumpy Space Princess when she talks, and I love it.

Yeah, I started reading a feminist science fiction novel set in the “dystopian future” where women no longer have any civil rights (Native Tongue by Suzette Haden Elgin) and I had to stop after the election because I fear we are heading too close to that direction again for my liking.

Yes, this, 100%. And the shit icing on the shit cake of this hypocrisy is that the cast wasn’t even booing him. They were asking the audience NOT to boo. And all the cast did was thank him for coming and express their hope that he will work for all Americans. How in any way is that harrassment?!

You must love past participles because you’ve got a perfect ass-pect!

One of my students made that joke up. I’ve never been more proud.

Second this. I also take D-mannose because I kept getting UTIs after sex but also out of nowhere for no reason. My urologist told me D-mannose isn’t really backed by any studies and gave me a pack of cranberry pills (which, after reading this article... ha!) and preventative macrobid to take after sex, which I do, but

Originally said Ariana Grande - “Dangerous Woman”, but now that I think of it, I don’t think there is a key change, and now I can’t delete my comment.

Semi-related: Nick Offerman’s twitter is such a delight. His cover photo is a group pic of the Parks & Rec cast, which is giving me so many feels, and he frequently tweets at Drumpf and addresses him as “NACHO”.

There really needs to be a channel on TV just replaying all of the clips of Michelle Obama’s expert shade. I’d pay for a subscription.

Thank you. I am in a much better place now, but it never hurts to hear kind words like yours. Right back at you. <3

Thank you for sharing that. It’s similar to my experience. I’ve never told my family about my assault or my suicidal tendencies that resulted from them years after the fact. I’ve told my sibling, but I won’t divulge the identity of my attacker because I’m afraid my sibling would try to hurt them, which I don’t want. I

I miss it so much. I just went over to that article and cackled for 20 minutes straight.

Even thermoses?