
I didn’t think I was starting anything, but ok. It was a bit of a brag I guess but I was speaking from personal experience and applying to OP’s topic, which is how a lot of internet comments are formed. I’ll try not to do that next time?

you shouldn’t get married unless you want things (and the person you’re marrying) to pretty much stay the same

I mean, they don’t necessarily all sound great, but yes, she can hit those notes. I ~technically~ have a 3.5 octave range, but about 1.5 of those sound horrible. Which proves just because you can hit a note does not mean you should.

I’ve been rewatching Parks & Rec and there are so many parallels between Hillary and Leslie. It’s like they knew this was gonna happen.

Oh, fuck. Donald Trump is proof for MRAs that negging works. GREAT.

And somehow, she is the golddigger, according to the internet.

“is” was good. The verb always agrees with the subject never the object (exception: there is/there are) even when it sounds totally weird and not right.

ETA: Just realized making “thing” “things” would have solved all of this. Now I feel dumb and wish I could delete my comment but I can’t. Anyway, hope you enjoyed your

Same! O frabjous day!

I will hazard a guess and say the OP is either not a linguist or shitty one.

Oh man, there are too many to pick a favorite. But one I recently really liked was this, because it hit really close to home for me:

Joanna wins. I don’t even have to read the rest.

Someone tagged Chelsea in the comments to this article on facebook. I went to her profile and discovered we have mutual friends and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

If it’s going to be a published paper, then you absolutely have to cite it. If it’s just for a class, then you’re supposed to ask your teacher first if you can use your work from previous classes in the assignment. If they give you the okay, then in my opinion, I don’t think you really have to. The problem you want to

Now I just want January Jones as Esther Greenwood. She’d be perfect.

She is playing Brooklyn on Aug 7!

Have you heard Poolside’s cover of this? It’s actually really good. I’d have never thought to make an indie dance-y version of Harvest Moon, but it works!

Yep, mine went away within a year!

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’ve had irregular paps too that revealed abnormal cells and HPV, so I can totally relate (although I regrettably didn’t get the vaccine). If you’re getting a colposcopy, like I had, it’s really not that much more uncomfortable than a routine pap. A little pinch here or there, but

When this vaccine came out, I was of the appropriate age to get it, but this was also around the same time Jenny McCarthy started her anti-vaccine BS and my mom fell for it, temporarily, but long enough for me to get HPV...

Butter noodles are the shit! My great grandma used to make them with like, 2 sticks of butter so they were basically swimming in butter soup. She lived to be 97 so I’m gonna keep telling myself it’s because of the butter noodles.