
Might I suggest a cat or two?

I’ve got to hand it to her: this girl’s got spunk. One time I bought a package of shop rite brand english muffins and one of them was missing. To think I could have threatened shop rite to sue for emotional and financial damages!

My main takeaway from this is: Barbies that wear flats! Finally!

Well, as a female professor in the U.S. who teaches classes with mostly female students, this makes me feel just great...

But “rabid fan” was the most common collocation for “rabid” in their corpus (meaning we can assume that’s how most people use the word “rabid”), so that should have been the example they used...

For those who don’t know about language corpora: they are databases of (usually) spoken language that was (usually) recorded in everyday conversations, so it can be said that corpora of spoken language are reflective of current language use. If “rabid fan” had the highest frequency in the corpus, then that’s the

This is horrible, but the parents started off feeding the baby dairy milk; I don’t think they were trying to raise a vegan baby, so I don’t get why everyone is all “ugh stupid vegans!” on this article? Soy formula has existed for a long time and I’m sure vegan parents know that, unless they are also part of the

You could just crop it!

I live near a few actual Mexican restaurants, but I go to Chipotle a lot because it’s fast and customizable. Also, very filling for $7.50.

Thank you for posting this. I actually really liked the story before the song. Perfectly-curated-image or not, she’s so goddamn likable. I love this version.

I was rooting for them in their first Challenge season together years ago because they seemed like such an adorable pair of weirdos. However, her reaction when he showed up this season was very telling. She looked so uncomfortable. That’s not a normal reaction to seeing your significant other in a healthy

“Botoxed alligator” is such an apt description of him. I died.

Holy shit. I'm glad people are talking about this, but it is very sad that it happens so much.

Meant to say online and IRL but failed to mention both. Oops.

I was thinking of online and IRL but only used dating sites as an example.

“Ur so hott Will u go out w me”

But there’s a leaf in front of it, making it a plant egg (which is totally a thing....right?)!

I second the other commenter who says it tastes just like regular mayo. I honestly had no idea it was vegan mayo until recently, either. I used to put Hellman’s on everything, and now use Just Mayo. [Full disclosure: I’m vegan now, it’s not that I think Just Mayo tastes better than Hellman’s, I’d say it tastes as good]

My point is that English has changed and will continue to change. Such a change will be based on how speakers use the language. So there is no point in dwelling on forms you disagree with. Especially when they’re used in Twitter/texting/conversation. A formal essay, sure, that’s when you’d want to be more

I hate to break it to you, but “Who you think” is closer to Shakespearean syntax (~1500?) than “Who do you think”. People didn’t use auxiliaries for question formation back then. Also, “ate” as a past participle form of “eat” is acceptable in many dialects, and is certainly acceptable and widely used in Spoken English.