Yes, I work at AutoZone. No, it sucks.

I had a 95 GMC Sierra that I got in high school, brilliant truck. It sounded cool it barely needed anything to pass inspection and it took deer like a champ. Fast forward to college and I’m commuting, half hour each way. Now I’m driving a brick powered by a TBI V8 (effectively a carb with fuel injectors spraying into

Thank you $kaycog, you have made it much better working here.

When you engage it they should pump in audio from Senna like “Suddenly I realized that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving it by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension.” That is a track feature I could get into.


“But my signal was on, that means I have the right to move there”

Was anyone else disappointed in the RB13? I know that they’re masters of not showing you things until they have to but I thought the car looked a little white bread.

For as much as they made plagiarism sound bad in school it seems pretty prevalent in real life. You just have to call it innovation

I’d say they used the regulations down to the T

It’s almost like they don’t understand how CFD work

After reading all the comments, I like yours the best.

One came up on craigslist near me for $600 and a 5000 wagon(!!!!) was a little further away. Knowing what I just learned I’ll leave them to my imagination.

But another possibility is that these massive companies can outsource their R&D to smaller firms who will hire people. The brilliant part about this outsourcing is it costs less than in house and you can even outsource to the US. Imagine if we could have all of these firms creating some of the best fuel efficient



Neutral: “job-killers” are you fucking high? I get that exclaiming “they took er jobs” is a good way to get on this president’s good side but what jobs?? You need more R&D than ever to try to meet these standards. Then it becomes a challenge of how well can you meet them and how much can you minimize cost. This has

Well you see it isn’t a truth. He hasn’t provided any empirical data or news articles that support his statement that the “Mexican government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States.” Also, making blanket statements about a country’s people or people of a certain ethnicity is racist. If I point at

But that’s the thing, they aren’t telling us to do anything. They are simply running a campaign that pokes fun at us. I genuinely would like to know what you meant when you said “they have zero right to try to tell us what to do.”

Hi, yes it’s me again. You were right his original statement at the speech wasn’t directly that. However in a statement he gave shortly after the speech he said:

The point that I would like to make now though is that this should not have been an issue in the first place. Blanket statements rarely ever are true and as a result this campaign was created.

They are probably mad because the leader of our country called them rapists. The President of the United States said this. Don’t play like you’re a victim because they’re making a statement that is not hurting anyone.