Yes, I work at AutoZone. No, it sucks.

Most of those are business phrases too, far be it from us to tell another country that they can’t have national pride. Quite frankly this is the most professional response to a situation where they were called murderers and rapists. So I’d stick to writing comments on the internet and let these people work out their

Do you ever use our inputs?

I had a short box GMC Sierra standard cab and I’ll tell you what that was the best to learn how to do stuff and how to hoon. I hit 3 deer with it and you couldn’t tell besides the new grille every fall. Sold it a few months ago for $900, it was fun.

Get something cheap that you can beat the hell out of, I promise you that teenagers are stupid. I was one but a few years ago.

Don’t forget about the third pedal

You had such an interesting point until you ruined it by cussing and coming off as unintelligent: 2/5

My mind is telling me no, but my body! My body, is telling me yes!

For the Zonda F film?

Hey no kidding I’m a half hour south

Sorry everybody, $2.39 my bad.

The day I can play Forza on my Xbox with VR is the day I come alive. Out of curiosity is there an accelerometer in the headset or is it essentially a 3D TV on your face?

I just filled up this morning and I’ll tell you no one told me that. $3.39 in Western New York

Well said

You guys are high on that crack pipe. Compared to every other modified car I’ve ever seen here the price here is ridiculously good. It’s just right for it could be awesome or I might break even on scrapping or fixing it. NP

A Range Rover with a carfax warranty. Somebody did a write up on theirs once or twice if I could remember the name...

I’ve been amassing plastidip to do something with, I just don’t have the inspiration. I’ve been plotting to spray paint dicks on my friend’s cars, but the work to undo my prank sounds too extensive.

This is a pretty good example of what people do in emergency situations when the adrenaline is pumping. It’s very easy to say “why didn’t they help anyone” but the truth is some people don’t have that first instinct. I appreciate this video for that reason and I’m glad everyone is ok, especially the guy who got punted

Shut up, god damn.

Thank you for elaborating on the parts I neglected to mention.

The ban is for select countries, it has taken on the “Muslim ban” because the countries selected are predominantly practicing Islam.