Translation = I want to use a car completely up and sell it for about what I paid for it afterwards.
Translation = I want to use a car completely up and sell it for about what I paid for it afterwards.
Wow. I’m so happy mum was able to take it to them. It sounds like the sleaziest thing ever to call someone back and keep them from leaving in the car. I’d love to hear that someone had driven a different car in at some point to have that backfire on the dealer, would really love to hear that.
The cx-3 I traded out has something to say. I could fit ONE car seat. With the front seat moved as far forward as it would go. The rear facing was still wedged into the space. Passat on the other hand, I can fit 3 car seats in the rear without having to move the front seats, thats pretty special.
Ignorance is also a problem. Believe it or not, I had to be taught about racism by my parents at what.. 10? 11? I really had no idea as the schools just didn’t talk about it at that point. I might have known a bit about the civil war and it being about slavery, but the importance of that was not really presented to…
No, we practiced tying different knots as kids in scouts and such. Noose was one of them and quite useful in its less symbolic and more utilitarian slip knot (wouldn’t look at all like that, the knot is much smaller for slip) but it was one of the taught and practiced knots for the merit badge; the slip knot that is.
Exactly. Especially given the state/venue. Now people might think twice about this before doing it. (anyone remember how to do a square knot btw?)
the actual picture shows a noose. No way around it. Might be someone ignorantly decided to tie it up as the garage pull not thinking that it would cause this mess, now they know. The knot pictured above is likely what I would end up with for a garage pull. I don’t know knots very well and surely it would be a mess,…
What homes only use 9kwh of electricity per day? Lordy, in the summer I can get up to 30 if the wife does laundry and the AC is going. Have solar that will produce about 26kwh per day on sunny days (summer)
That BMW 100%. Can also confirm, I'm still giddy for some flip up lights.
You ever end up in the Hudson valley, let me know. Beer is on me, we can look into the great AWD debacle further, or just banter about wheeled things in general.
Man you must be fun at parties...
I dont think it’s that hard man. You said the proactive Awd system would negatively impact MPG. I’m saying it doesnt impact near as much as you would think. I never said that the proactive awd system would get BETTER mpg.
Never said better. Just saying those proactive systems dont hit MPG in such a big way vs. Old school reactive awd as you seemed to claim in your original post.
Ah, gotchya. Didnt hurt mpg vs the old reactive awd systems. The proactive systems are quite good and really dont hurt mpg.
Weight, added moving parts. Still takes energy to move the drive shafts and half shafts and such even with awd disengaged. Would such up considerably more energy if they were constantly engaged. On my trailblazer just the matter of blocking up the front differential disconnect (still disconnected transfer case when…
The awd systems are rather intelligent. Not sitting on an incline in 70deg weather with the wheels straight, likely no awd. Colder weather, wipers on, incline, wheels turned ect. Awd is enabled a bit. Didnt really hurt mpg either in experience
Id be willing to bet they took mazdas awd setup and transferred it over. Mazda made an astonishingly good awd setup, Camry would do well with it.
Such a big problem mazda still has to make good with. Fantastic driving cars decently made for the money, nothing with big hp. 220hp mazda 3 would be great. 300hp mazda 6 I'd take a serious look into buying. 180hp mazda 3? Nope. 180hp mazda 6? Sure.. for economy buyers. Not enough for a mid size car these days…
Dealers are shady, period. My favorite was being told they wouldn’t budge on the window price of a CPO because they had to spend $500 to replace the window. I’m buying a car for it’s fair value which assumes it passed the CPO checklist and needs nothing. I’m not paying fair value and whatever you spent to make those…
Hahah, my god, so much teenage beaten CP.