I love that movie.
I love that movie.
Yes sir it is. I couldn't just pick one.
Definitely PA turnpike.
I would drive a classic 911 any day of the week in any weather condition.
DD: 911
I am not advocating the implied use of force. Why would the driver assume he is going to be assaulted if he has no reason to be? Not all cops are brutal.
you know what is nonsense? not pulling over when the cops are chasing you.
When I was selling Porsches we had a customer with a 911 Turbo with 700 whp who had lost the use of his legs in a work accident. With the money he won in the settlement he bought himself toys galore.
Hey man leave Myron Cope and his Terrible Towel out of it.
way to kill the charm of a story dude. sheesh.
Pennsylvania is a blue state too. I thought only Republicans passed stuff like this?
Well fuck I assumed you were a kiwi by using my deductive reasoning skills and I apologize that your slang terminology (as well as cuss words) are set in stone with no flexibility in usage. It must be a real bitch having to put up with shit like not being able to call someone a fag without them thinking that you are…
I am American and slang is never set in stone. Douche can and does mean the same thing as douchebag in slang. It is a matter of choice/preference. I could say douchenozzle, douchetackle, douchefuckingteeshirt if I want to and most Americans would understand what I meant by the phrase, simply because it included the…
that CTS is sexy as hell.
also (I accidentally typed this into my browser)
I was using slang.
How much does he want for it?
Douche = Feminine Hygiene Product
your cousin sounds like a real douche. simple