Autophile412 - what's the world got in store?

NP only if it has a manual tranny in it.

so stupid ... great time waster though

Kudos to you for not being a sheep like so many of us.

I certainly agree with the sentiment that R&D needs to keep happening but right now in this economic climate I think it is kind of like beating a dead horse. We need to let private funding take care of it and if there is a viable product that needs propped for production then we should fund it so we can see a quick

I apologize sir. Apparently I missed that.

you sir ... funny

I don't mind the government backing capitalist endeavors as long as the endeavor is viable and proven and willing to give back in the form of sustainable jobs and tax revenue.

I support this idea.

The MG Midget always comes to mind when I think of a professors car.

We are a net exporter of oil not gasoline. We haven't built a modern refinery since 1970 and our capacity is nowhere near where it should be.

I don't really have a problem with the government investing in capitalist efforts but they need to focus on the industries that can have an immediate effect when it comes to lifting all boats. These "green energy" companies are largely research and development companies with very specific education intensive jobs.

I wear a sundial on my wrist and use an abacus and long division. Old school all the way.

Science is of the devil. Who else could come up with such wizardry?

The people behind this company are big Obama campaign supporters. These companies have been in large part a way for politicians to funnel tax dollars into their campaign coffers.

X5 in a heartbeat.

sounds like Pirates fans for the last 20 years. Welcome to the club Miami.

It is tough when the defense just keeps letting the team down. Ben is playing some great football and getting shafted by his own guys. Sucks watching these losses.

Having it on NBC sports could augment their NHL coverage pretty well. Seeing that the two schedules don't really overlap and I know many NHL fans who are also F1 fans so they would market to the right people.

I can't blame him. I would do the same if I were filthy rich; especially the stockpiling E36 Lightweights part.

If I am not mistaken isn't AE owned in part by THE Paul Walker? If you watch closely in the most recent Fast he reps AE in almost every scene.