Andreas Jüngling

Even as a german, I can – sorta – see where Raphael is going. See, many germans call the ubiquitous Swoosh-Sneakers “Nyk” instead of “Nik-eeh”. Another example would be Levis. Most of my fellow citizens call them “Layviss” even if they know it’s technically wrong. I guess people just fear sounding cocky. But thou

Not a Cavalier but a Citation. A romantic kind of meh.

No. Just. No.

Am I the only one who doesn’t give a crap about whether somebody tried out some shoes in a store before?

Just sayin’... my W210 Mercedes E-Class has nice bespoke velours spacers between the seat and the center console. Same with its predecessor W124.

I don’t believe that the theory about aerodynamics is horseshit. If you drive your average Golf on a Rainy day, the rear window gets all wet, if you don’t use the wiper. In a sedan, like my MB E-Class and BMW 5 Series, the raindrops do fall on the rear window when stationary, but get blown away when you drive for a

German TÜV is very strict indeed. I (a german guy) had to ask Mercedes-Benz for exact documents on the max load of certain C-Class wheels, in order to proof that they could also handle the weight of my E-Class. They fit perfectly, they are MB-Original and they look damn awesome. Nonetheless the TÜV wouldn’t approve

Changing their highway speed all the time. Most cars have cruise control but that doesn’t keep the average doofus to overtake me and then slow down again in front of me.