

I'm moving to Portland in a month. It's all white boys. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO

I think those two are going to end up sleeping together again by the end of the season. Calling Patrick "Pato", wiping sour cream off his face? Dick party a'comin.

Funny, ORGASMS EVERYWHERE is where I got my pot rack.

I just jerk off on the couch. Get over it, roommate.

I'm a fan of this addendum

Ahhhhhhh Cruising is like my litmus test for whether or not a guy is worth my time because if you don't like that movie what is even wrong with you.

1970-1990: Gays are so sad!
1990-2000: Gays are so dead!
2005-present: Gays are planning a wedding!

Kaboom was fucking bizarre. I still don't know what was going on in this movie. Did he write that on acid?

I was not a teenager in 2004 and I have seen Mean Girls, because I am a human being.

Anyone else think that Elizabeth doesn't want to go back to the Soviet Union because she's worried about having her illusions shattered?

The things I would do to those ears…

Eh. Show me an erect penis. Looking needs to be the show to break that taboo. Preferably by showing me Russell Tovey's erect penis.

Because I look better with a beard?

Sure, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone curious about the band.

Dear Catastrophe Waitress is fucking amazing but it's definitely varsity-level Belle and Sebastian.

Write About Love is completely forgettable but I love The Life Pursuit—it's probably their best album after If You're Feeling Sinister.

That was me in Key West.

No thanks. I have enough trouble getting up the energy to take my dog out.

Of course they are, but you admitted you're hate watching the show, so I don't know why anyone would listen to your opinion.