
Now I'm imagining that the telegram clerk wasn't agog at him because of the content of the message, but because of its length—"Do you have any idea how expensive this is going to be? When are you going to stop dictating???"

Feels like 1997 all over again!

That makes sense. But I mean, geez, this episode was shot just terribly. Which is even more crazy-making because the original series had amazing cinematography.

No, we all knew that. His name is "My baby!"

Um, so was anyone else terribly perplexed by the AWFUL cinematography? Seriously, this looked like an HD version of a '90s full motion videogame. Has the Vancouver BC film industry cratered leaving only the most incompetent around, or what?

I think the big problem with Jake Lloyd in the movie is expecting that a child actor is going to be able to give a good performance to CGI. Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson couldn't even do it!

This is exactly what the people that pull society's strings want you to think. Well done!

It's a pledge period right now. They gotta pay the bills somehow. Core programming will be back in a week or two.

For me, an open relationship is less about fucking other guys and more about not obsessing over fucking other guys. If it happens, it happens, I know it'll be fine, and my relationship will still be there.

I'm 34 and have been in three relationships so hand me a case of wine.

That escalated quickly.

Do people outside of TV shows loiter in front of people's apartments waiting for them to come home?

Yeah Please Like Me is great.

Considering the ratings this show pulls in, I don't think they're going to have to plan an end game until season 10.

Oh god, yes. I have been told I give good parties, but they are such a pain to organize I just can't anymore. I'm moving 2500 miles away in a month and people have been asking if I'm going to have one and I'm just like, no, I'm too busy packing up my entire life. But I guess if I did the boxes could be additional

I'm a fun gay!

Brady is the worst. He's this season's Agustin.

Correct. Richie needs to end up with me.

Do people actually go to Halloween parties? Like, Halloween isn't something that only characters in sitcoms are into?

Very true. I went to 3 (straight) weddings in 2012. 2 of them are already failing.