
Don't forget, Ira Steven Behr, who wrote this episode, was the show runner on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Ron Moore worked on that show as well, so, y'know, there's that out there for anyone enjoying the hell out of Outlander.

Do they show Outlander in Scotland? Because if they do, after this episode, they'll vote for independence on Thursday.

Considering the grueling schedule for television production, I think they actually went light on the makeup this week.

Gotta give credit for this to Babylon 5.

But Moore didn't have much to do with long-term planning on DS9. That was primarily Ira Stephen Behr and Robert Hewitt Wolfe.

Voyager season 8? I wish. More like TNG season 15.

You're both wrong. It's Qo'noS.

Yeah, Vee is a large part of why I didn't like this season very much. For a show which goes out of its way to humanize all its characters, Vee was a straight-up super villain. It was really weird and not at all interesting to watch.

Or, in smart people words, "non diegetic"

How is that even possible?

I don't know that I would say that a non-interference policy is founded on segregation.

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes

I'm doing that now! Well not literally right now, I'm at work, but in general.

I actually think there's a lot to say about Voyager. It doesn't hold up very well on its own, but as a vehicle for meta commentary on Trek, fandom, and television, it's a very interesting case study.

She always struck me as the Changeling Kai Winn. An unwavering belief in her own correctness, stopped at the very end by a realization that she was wrong the entire time.

I will say, we do get to see what happens after this, because of the DS9 relaunch novels, and one of the things that happens is that Ro Laren and Quark fuck!

I will miss these reviews a lot.

They are fighting for the freedom to be subservient to a slightly-less-autocractic government!

Were they still doing that in Enterprise? Because that was on well into the rise of the internet.

Yes, it's almost as though they were making a sociological and political point about the shared responsibility of parenthood! Star Trek certainly never sacrifices common sense in favor of making a point!