
This just keeps getting better and better.

This is essentially correct. Delaware makes a shitload of money from this, which allows for low property and income taxes, and no sales tax.

Who knows if anyone will see this, but we did get a date—there was a calendar on Peggy's desk that said "31" so I think it's March 31. In 1969 it was a Monday, so it fits.

Things that Voyager borrowed from TNG: plots, dialogue, recurring characters

Yeah, but TOS was pretty easy to put on Blu-ray whereas all other Trek shows (aside from Enterprise) involve a painstaking reconstruction process whereby they have to go back, find the original film elements, and recut each episode. If they haven't already started to source the DS9 film reels, that alone would be a

I think that overestimates how much CBS cares about syndication rights. Is DS9 on syndication anywhere in the United States right now?

He won't be.

The other side of Kirk and Spock, is, of course, gay sex.

I'm worried, though. Word is that sales of the TNG Blu-rays were gangbusters but have slowed considerably, and Enterprise is selling dismally on Blu-ray.

"The Female Changeling orders Weyoun to fill Dominion shipyards with Cardassian shipyards"

Oh, tell us more things that real New Yorkers would never do, like give a seat on the subway to a pregnant lady, or live in a well-run city with a functioning government.

Or, it's a brilliant loophole that we should immediately exploit!

Also, basically, this is kind of the worst thing ever for Star Trek, both because it's confusing and also because Paramount is totally into Trek and CBS is like "eh, whatever, we'll milk it for merchandising rights."

I don't really pretend to understand all the ramifications of the dual ownership, but from what I understand, Paramount has no say in how Trek is used on television, and CBS has no say in how Trek is used in films. Therefore, Paramount decided to reboot Trek with a brand new version of the intellectual property, so

Actually, Netflix Instant has been around in one form or another since 1732, but back then, you would shout your request out the nearest window, and after a while, a guy named Nicholas Proudbottom would come to your house and act out scenes from it.

At least two: CBS Television and Paramount.

The Breen are playing the long game. "Ha ha, Earth citizens! You can no longer easily travel between San Francisco and Petaluma! Soon, you will be part of the vast Breen Confederacy!"

I want that as my ringtone.

The Breen thing works for me because it highlights just how mercenary the Dominion is. They will make "allies" with anyone if it gets them what they want.

Maybe we should do a Patreon or an IndieGogo or a Kickstarter campaign to pay Zack to review Voyager for us.