
Of course, lost amid all the discussion about whether or not DS9's serialization works, is the fact that in 1999, this was a pretty unusual and ballsy thing to do.

It's okay, you can not like it. No one's going to hurt you.

Oooh that reminds me, more Star Trek book talk! Apparently in some of the later books, Andor leaves the Federation, and why is this I don't even know.

I like the Ezri/Worf subplot if only for the fact that I love that they were able to throw in Worf's thing about sex and getting married that was introduced all the way back in "The Emissary". Whereas if Worf had become a main cast member on Voyager instead (presumably through a magical worfhole, which is similar to a

Ahhhhhhhhhh I love this gimmick account so much

Hey, I'm not falling for that again.

Why are there so few episodes of DS9 left in which to enjoy this new gimmick account? :(

I don't know, because I haven't read the novels, but that sounds really cool.

My favorite fact about the Breen is that their voices were inspired by Metal Machine Music.

Here's a question: is kanar fermented fish juice? I think it's fermented fish juice.

I want M&Ms.

I want M&Ms.

Worf was never a great character, but he was a character, goddammit.


And boo to that, I say.

Yeah, that could be. We don't get enough information about Section 31 to really know one way or the other, and the sheer weight of the franchise tips Section 31 towards your more optimistic interpretation.

Although it would be funny if Garak suddenly started a Pah-Wraith cult on DS9. Would make for a fun scene between him and Kira.

Yeah, Section 31, if you play it out to its logical conclusions, is one of the biggest retcons of the entire franchise, and it's one that I've never been comfortable with. One of the biggest draws of Star Trek is its belief that open negotiation, diplomacy, and cooperation, are more powerful than secret intelligence

I tried to like Cheers. I really did. I'm sorry, it's all my fault.

I can't imagine Klingons would have any problem with homosexuality at all.