
The Villages is my idea of literal hell on Earth.

Hope they hoarded some valve stem cores in there, because I’m taking them when I leave.

What I’m noticing on luxury vehicles is the addition of speakers being a focal point for the interiors. Here s shot of the Mclaren GT:

Wow. So basically (and this is not basic by any definition of the word), the short answer is affordable housing isn’t actually financially beneficial for the property developer (plus the 1 million nuances the units have to go through to get the project done), and luxury housing must be billed because the cost to

I have no idea how to explain all our challenges. But i’ll try to keep it short. much better in person, so hit me up if you are ever in ATL.

Entitlement (the right to build what you want) takes 1+ years. This is VERY different from the 50's-60's when housing was cheap, as you could literally just file a plan, and

Unemployment is so low because we’re working multiple jobs just trying to survive. Things are bad for the average WORKING American. Fentanyl has nothing to do with prices continuously going up and wages being stagnant.  

You could have record lows of unemployment paired with salaries paid for each of those jobs that don’t cover basic necessities. Almost everyone needs a roof over their heads, a car to get to and from work, and groceries. And if you totaled up the average cost of everything, sometimes you may get a few dollars to

Jesus Christ... you're an asshole.

Well if these workers just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps harder and applied themselves, then they wouldn’t be dealing with this.

Nothing says unsustainable more than workers living in their cars.  If you work full time, you should be able to afford a living space.

The problem in NYC is that when the light turns green, the Walk light also comes on for pedestrians. Every day I see the “no turn on red” causing additional car/pedestrian issues here.


Nah, leave it up to local municipalities to make their call. I’ve had countless hours of my life wasted yearly due to having to wait at intersections at red lights where absolutely zero cars passed through the intersection for the entirety of the light cylce as I was waiting for green. I’d add ban the bs left turn

I’ve never seen a mugshot of a guy more named “Cody” than this.

‘Gutter trash street goons’. Classic.

I mean... One is actually managed by the state and actually going according to plan...

B/c different groups are financing these very different projects.
Are you bored? Did you already finish your coloring book?

A great number of people have never traveled out of the state they were born in. Their view of America is extremely narrow and they have absolutely no concept of world view.

The xenophobia is out of hand in this country

saying things like “there are too many tourists” at all makes you part of the problem, tbh