Auto Guy

Thanks for this take. HD does seem to be on a product / design roll, but I continue to be amazed by the number of people who hate HD because... they’re HD. So very odd. Seems that when someone is trying to dig themselves out of a hole, my first reaction is to try and help them, not push the dirt back on top of them.

Incorrect. Declarative -- as opposed to imperative or interrogative — has nothing to do with being provable.

Nope. Opinions based on hypotheticals are not provable — hence my use of the subjunctive. Now, if you’d like to be a bit more polite and ask what brought me to such a conclusion, I’m happy to oblige. But you have to open your ears first.


HD is on a roll, it appears, with the emphasis (correctly, IMHO) on entry-level and tech offerings, along with the still-hot ADV segment.

Since Erik doesn’t ride, and clearly holds disdain for HD based on his past articles, it’s unfair of us to expect an expert view or even comprehensive reporting. Sadly missing are updates on HD sales for the PanAmerica, and early reports on the new water-cooled entry-level bikes.

TL;DR: Erik hates car dealers.

Welcome aboard, sir! [sound of captain being piped aboard on a naval vessel]

European carmakers routinely delete this filters from their nearly otherwise identical US-spec cars (looking at you in particular, Porsche). It’s all about cost savings, not clean air.

Not my job. I can’t prove it unless he were to suddenly leave, and that seems unlikely. So give it time (also: Time the Conqueror, a great album by Jackson Browne), and let history have the final vote.

For all the Tesla haters out there (including yours truly): Tesla would actually be a better-run car company without Space Boy. 

Snark on Ford, poorly played.

One can always hope that the new gig will be the place that teaches you how to properly pronounce “Porsche.” :-). Until then, you’re in the august company of people like Lesley Stahl, who mispronounced it on 60 Minutes this past Sunday while interviewing Herbert Diess. Since you already know how to speak German, hope

Distance indeed makes the heart grow fonder. Excellent article. Everyone talks about nasty old Jew hater Henry Ford (with good reason), but you’ve perfectly characterized the modern public image of old man Honda as a sweet dude who just wanted to stick it to the stupid Americans. Thanks for shining light on the

Sounds like the NADA convention, yes? They (car dealer types) are definitely “the sky is falling” type, but to be fair, the sky probably is falling on them soon...

the kind of thing that Vegas is built for: a gathering of a bunch of sweaty middle-aged people in the mood to complain about their jobs, even if times are better than ever.”

Okay, I’m going there:

Welcome to global marketing / naming in 2022.

Good take.

Divorce the wife. Keep the Jeep.