AutoBox, Roll Out!

My ex is from Dubai and had to work there for at least a year before she could go back to the US to start her PhD or she’d have to pay back the money she got from the Dubai government to do her undergrad and graduate studies in the US. She dealt with a lot of kids who were the product of consanguineous marriages

Two things:

“Give me a fucking lawyer!”

It’s the South. If they’ve got deputy dogs, they’ve probably got lawyer dogs.

This is why the term “white nonsense” was invented.

Given that it’s Louisiana, the state that allots public defenders five minutes preparation for each case that determines a poor citizen’s future, it’s perfectly within the realm of possibility that a dog could indeed pass the bar and become a lawyer in the state.

I’m confident someone at some point has said “give me a lawyer, asshole” and now I’m worried about what showed up.

You’re right, there is no law or rule for cops not hitting women. Which is why my comment was about improper escalations of force in general, and when discussing that topic (as indicated by the start of an entirely new paragraph), I said this: “Getting slapped like that sucks, but it’s literally his job to remain calm

“According to Sullivan, the deputy told her that if the dog had bit him he’d have sued them, and that shooting the dog was better than that. He then allegedly said it was a “shame” he “had to waste that bullet because it’s a really expensive bullet.”

Yeah this guy sounds like someone who has the mental stability

What I don’t get is why they don’t use handcuffs to begin with and this whole thing is avoided? Why are they trying to fireman carry a drunk person out of the stadium? Would they do this if it was a drunk man? They really do not look like they know what they’re doing.

So this is the only college football you’ve seen today, huh?

Dammit. They killed Freddy Graves too? I went to high school with Graves. Best tailback in our district.

there but for the grace of god go i

It was cold where I live today, which proves that global warming doesn’t exist.

who the fuck is freddy grave

if you’re gonna make a bullshit reach, at least get the mans name right

Good to see Ray Rice back at work.

True, this anecdote definitely takes precedence over all the data to the contrary.

Did I miss the part of the video where they shot her a bunch of times?

That went from “haha they’re carrying her out like Rudy” to “Oh shit that cop should lose his job” real quick!