AutoBox, Roll Out!

If literally every other EV from other manufacturers (and literally all electronics in general) is any indication, electrical systems are no more reliable than mechanical ones (and are often substantially less reliable). So basically yes, expect it to still break like other Italian cars.

The Robotaxi will just be a regular FSD-equipped Model 3/Y, but painted yellow with “ROBOTAXI” scribbled on the sides.

Are there any vehicles that allow switching between adaptive and “dumb” cruise control? The only time I ever drove a car with adaptive cruise control was in a rental, and I couldn’t find an option for a “dumb” cruise control. Even when set to its most “tailgater-like” setting, it would slow down for vehicles that

The Ren Cen has a Marriott hotel in one of the towers, so at least that part could be converted to living space. Otherwise, maybe long term maybe the property could be turned into some sort of transit hub, but that would require Detroit to have an actual serviceable public transit network.

But why take 1k/month for 120 consecutive months when you can squeeze 10k out of a company now, then invest it somewhere else, and also squeeze 10k out of 10 other companies? Then when you’ve bled those 10 companies dry, move on to 10 more and bleed them dry for 15k each. Who needs sustainable business practices when

Short term profits are all that matter to American corporations - or rather, their biggest shareholders.

Literally all EVs and hybrids use a reduction gearbox and diff between the motor and wheels. A handful of the expensive EVs use 2-speed gearboxes.

Not to mention, none of these issues have anything to do with quality control...they’re either on older planes and therefore likely maintenance-related issues, or they’re on parts on the plane that Boeing doesn’t even make (like the engines).

I wonder if it’s a result of having to make an EV and ICE share the same platform, and the resulting compromises over component layout.

Wrong diesel.

If this was true, you’d think whoever “killed” the “inventor” would be taking this out of whatever secret vault it’s hidden in and putting it on every new vehicle, rather than spending $billions on developing EVs and hemorrhaging money in the process...

100 mpg carberators do exist though...

And none of that has ever trickled out into the real world. Computers can do literally anything in the virtual space - it’s literally “their” world. When one of these computers does what you described in real life, maybe it’ll be time to take autonomous “racing” seriously, but I don’t see that happening for a long

Watching a bunch of full-sized cars “race” at a pace barely quicker than a human sprinter stopped being interesting over 100 years ago...

The cheapest Model 3 is all those things. Pretty easy to make a car inexpensive when absolutely no effort was put into exterior styling, and the interior is just seats, the steering wheel, and an iPad glued to an empty dashboard. Then again even in its cheapest trim, it’s way overpriced for what you get...

The sub-$40k model will also have literally no instrument panel. You’ll have to download an app that displays your range and speed on your phone, and you’ll have to provide the suction cup mount for it yourself.

Before this hack job, the front end was the ugliest thing about this car. Gouging the inbred-looking headlights out actually improved that aspect of its appearance...

I was stopped at a red light across the intersection from a douche with one of those across the grille of his truck, and even in broad daylight it was still blinding (why was it even on in broad daylight??)

Who are these people saying cars from the ‘80s were awesome? I can MAYBE think of a handful of cars from that era that were awesome (and still have fingers left over), and that’s only based on looks and pop culture significance, not performance.

And remember when only 1 pump in an entire gas station would be working at 100%, 1 would literally only drip fuel into your tank, and the remaining pumps wouldn’t work at all? And the same thing was true at the next closest gas station, which was 20 miles away?