AutoBox, Roll Out!

They don’t really need to try; just put actual effort into designing the interior instead of supergluing an iPad or two to a blank dashboard like everyone else, and maybe add a few actual buttons. No stupid fake engine noise either - the only thing worse than a boring car is a fake one that has to rely on falsehoods

Then it'll still be like literally every other EV performance car out there. The biggest way they could differentiate themselves would be to use actual buttons and analog gauges on the interior...

As far as I can tell there are 3 possible scenarios:

Next you'll tell me 100 mpg carburators aren't real. /S

That's more or less how I feel. If I want a car that sounds nice, I'll buy a car that ACTUALLY sounds nice, not some poser-mobile that needs fake noises to make it sound more exciting than it actually is.

I still think Dr. Fauci did real damage to the credibility of medical experts when he lied about the effectiveness of masks instead of just asking people to not hoard them so medical personnel wouldn't be even more shorthanded when there wasn't enough to go around, but behavior like this pretty much justifies it

"The driver, a 28-year-old South Carolina woman, hit the gas instead." And then the gas hit her...

Superior, the Wyoming of the East.

No need to slander infants. At least when an infant gets scared by something that’s actually harmless, they don’t empty a clip into someone...

A better question is what college did you go to that even had a phys ed requirement?

Also they still have half shafts and CV joints, since in-hub motors remain vaporware in the automotive industry. Still plenty of things that can go wrong.

Didn’t Group C limit fuel flow as well? Unfortunately its heyday was before I was even born, but I hear the cars were quite awesome.

Hydrogen-burning engines and hydrogen fuel cells are not that same thing.

It’s both. 

So you’ve never seen a single basketball game in your life? Or at least one where someone made a 3-pointer?

Just wait until it hits “Plaid Stage”...

Basketball players (not just the white ones) still use that same exact gesture when they make a 3-pointer, so clearly he’s far from the only one who doesn’t know about it being co-opted by nazi-incels.

That’s 467 past participants who’ve never seen a basketball game in their life, or at least never seen someone make a 3-pointer and then celebrate it...

Or maybe he watched literally any basketball game and saw the players do the EXACT SAME THING when they celebrate making a 3-pointer. They do it all the time, at least at the college level.

It’s done all the time when basketball players celebrate making a 3-pointer. They make an “ok” sign with their 3 outer fingers up.