S. A. Hunt

Let’s not. Let’s just not have deductibles. Let’s just have real fucking first world health care like every other civilized goddamn country.

Right, Republicans are never offended by anything.

Most dogs aren’t horrible assholes, unlike people.

Cause Sonic Fox is out there living his best life and that infuriates the people who aren’t. Probably the simplest answer.

But it’s okay if women do it because men are bad and deserve it.

Sure do love all the perfect parents in this comment section who have never, ever fucked up, not even once. Not even when they are tired, or stressed, or sick, or overworked or running on fumes.

What Could Possibly Be Scarier Than a Smarter Hulk?

I used to order Vincent Vega all the time.  (Vanilla vodka, shot of espresso, Coke, over ice.)  So refreshing.

“AI leaders afflicted with the dreaded spelling bee bug obsess over things like religion, sometimes to their own detriment, because they have no default values for other important qualities.”

I think it’s more like flipping the lights on while wearing night-vision goggles.

While I certainly understand that the way videogames “glorify” violence can make people uncomfortable, and there is absolutely some stuff worth unpacking there, this strikes me as completely ass-backwards.

Two things...

Conservatives are allergic to facts.

Every time someone likes to paint the left as whiny bitches for complaining about something in the media, I like to point out that the right is just as whiny, but about different issues. Made fun on Jesus? Boycott! Pro-abortion POV? Boycott!

Hey asshole, where does this article say anything about left or right?  Do you think conservatives don’t get allergies?

“Joyless” — so, a protagonist triggering anaphylactic shock in someone in the middle of a kids movie is a cause for “joy”? Got it - thanks for clearing that up.

Shoutout to people who give a damn!

what’s it like having shit taste that is informed almost entirely by your tortured political views?

If they match with me, I just assume they are fake