S. A. Hunt

The Fox Executive silently praised himself for his patience as the ritual came to a close. Since discovering the feeling back in 2002 with Firefly he'd barely been able to contain himself, so eager to get back to the high he was premature and overeager, like a teenager wanting more after his first time with a girl.

It's Fox - if it was good they would just air the episodes out of order and THEN cancel it. So this saves a step.

Yes. Indeed, electron microscopes are designed by intelligent people. This picture is proof enough to me.

SO in closing, you're just not great around the kitchen.

In a particular campaign, my fellow adventurers and I battled and defeated a big ogre that had been terrorizing a town. Our barbarian cut off its penis, our cleric cast some anti-rotting ritual on the penis, and as a warlock I cast a fear-inducing spell on it. It then became our weapon of choice in negotiations with

I've made a terrible mistake.

They should sell the precut cardboard. I'd pay if it was cheap just to give it a whirl.

I opened the video in a new tab and when it started playing it had this horrible dancing-cossack soundtrack and I was like, what the hell is this shit? And then I realized it was another fucking blackout ad over here on io9! Why are you people doing this to us? Are you trying to force everybody to install AdBlock?

"I asked him how he felt about people who didn't find beauty in the gore."

Got more laughs out of that than the entirety of A Million Ways to Die in the West. Nice work!

10/10 would watch more

Why don't they hire people like this to do the audiobooks? The guy I've got reading Game of Thrones has at most three different voices, and they're almost all jarring. Plus he has a strange habit of regularly inventing whole new characters not in the original text, like "Prince Jeffrey" and "Hodar".

Can't tell if the guy is gay or just a big pussy. It's an owl, not Rodan.

I kept hoping the owl would attack him so he would drop his phone into the correct recording position.

Screaming like a girl. What a wimp. I would've caught it by hand (and have done so with other large birds the cats have brought home).

Bravo! Now if we can just do the same here in the USA . . . .

I've heard he's a pretty nice guy, and smarter in's just a shame his persona that got the popularity is none of that.

I've personally experienced the unfortunate bite of a tick and, trust me, it's no fun. Check out the complete illustrated guide at the link below.

What are your "geek" friends making a stand about? The creators have been involved since the beginning. Is it a stand of ignorance or entitlement? Please tell me.