
Diana Moskovitz is a treasure. Her reporting on the legal issues tranversing professional sports and the system are excellent.

“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

“I’m so very sorry, but when we were stitching you up Dr. WTF sewed his finger to your labia. It didn’t worsen the tear, but fluids mixed and we do need to do an HIV test. After we re-sew.”

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

This makes me so mad. I hate toll roads so much. Not surprised there’s mention of Cintra’s lobbyist’s relationship to ex-Gov. Rick Perry in there, either. It’s shockingly obvious that these kinds of deals don’t serve the public, but only serve a few. That few’s gonna make bank and not have to pay anything back.

Mike Tannenbaum signing washed up veterans in an effort to go 9-7 while fucking up the cap for the foreseeable future? I am shocked. Did not see this coming at all!

Or maybe that’s exactly what I want. There’s a word, it’s got kind of a negative connotation, but it means getting what you want, and that word is “manipulation.”

New phone, who dis

Might wanna keep him and Tavarish seperated, or at least take bets on the inevitable brawl, but other than that, seems good.

Great read. If he’s sticking around I’ll be here more often than checking in 3 times a day.

Wait, so buying an unreliable German car is bad?

There’s a reason Riley Curry was a hit, and this is why.

Barr is a fucking monster.

UCLA has been putting some really good talent into the NFL since Mora took over, especially at LB.

Now playing

What if the car you hit is a 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air?

My favorite was you don’t have to be lonely at

At least it was a Texas flag and not a Stars & Bars.

Seems to me, Texas really shouldn’t be making a show of dragging things behind a pickup truck.

The person had a flower. There should be no respect given for what Pagan did. In fact most of the time American athletes over react to fans on the field and moron sports casters, writers and other fans egg them on by giving them props for reacting like subhumans on the warpath.

I’m laughing already!