Money....which is why Michael Waltrip and his banker buddy somehow managed to buy their way into the 24 Heures about a decade ago and nearly killed the factory Audi driver.
Money....which is why Michael Waltrip and his banker buddy somehow managed to buy their way into the 24 Heures about a decade ago and nearly killed the factory Audi driver.
I’m sad only because we won’t get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.
Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.
So Cooley said something and then took it back. Isn’t there a term for that?
Someone should leak the bracket and then someone else should provide the show with Trump’s taxes to fill their time.
I heard Mike Zimmer wanted to convert him to fullback, but he was completely against the switch.
I have struggled with bulimia, and anorexia early on, for nearly 15 years. Fortunately I found a therapist and treatment but the struggle just to get those two covered was tremendous. And many don’t know that often ED’s are something you will continue to carry with you. Not on your sleeve, but in dark corners where…
The already-famous highlight from this match is at 2:35 when the English players ask the ref what they should do, and he reminds them he’s not their coach.
I’m glad to see this being covered here. Thanks! P.S. Eddie Jones is a little bitch. His reaction is approximately as bad as when Nick Saban tried to kill the hurry-up offense due to “safety” concerns.
His name is Jason Pierre Paw.
yes, because there have already been arrests made
I’m actively boycotting everything he’s involved with until he makes your goddamn biopic.
Lots of ways to do it, you can increase the voltage output of the battery either by physical modification (how you connect the cells) or through software. The motors can also be physically modified a number of ways to increase power output. It’s basically all about getting more electricity in without over taxing the…
If you reduce the parasitic losses in the control electronics and boost the cooling to battery, motor, and control electronics then you can eek out more power - as long as you are under the saturation limit of the magnetics all it takes is more current to get more power.
They switched to Monster Cables.
No, just give the motor more electric. The motor obviously won’t last as long as the stock version
So if they are modified P100D’s, how do they boost the power? It isn’t like a traditional engine where you can tune/change parts is it?