
Ironically, Trump is a teetotaler.

Me too. Between January 2001 and January 2009 - the last time a Clinton was in the White House - the DJIA went from 3,400 to 10,600, U3 unemployment went from 7% to 4%, and, most amazingly, the Federal government deficit turned into a fairly huge surplus.

This warms my heart.

I’ll assume you know enough about The Troubles and Israel/Palestine to just say that this isn’t so much a joke as it is a sentence that idiots will think is a joke.

This post deserves a fucking Pulitzer.

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

+1 government rake

But how can our government maintain it’s arbitrary and hypocritical faux-moralistic stances on things like gambling and marijuana if suddenly these things are legalized?

Memphis Bleek said what up yo, lets throw ‘em.

All I know is when I log off this website tonight I hope everybody online can come together like butt cheeks.

Whatever Nancy

Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.

Not many people know this but Milwaukee actually comes from an old Ojibwe word meaning “Yeah, but what about Black on Black crime?”

I totally forgot to mention that not only is six hours not a hurdle of any kind for an interview, but I also speak German and Willi not having great English is not an issue in the least. It was a weird week trying to get that interview to happen.

At least you can enjoy the Cardinals in the MLB PostseasahAHAHAHAHAHA

Seconded--I’ve been boycotting since the Rams moved out, and I know more than a few other people that have been as well.

“I don’t spend my free time watching the NFL, just clicking on, reading, and commenting on a sports blog’s articles about not watching the NFL.”

What if we were already boycotting the NFL for other reasons?

No snark, no smarm. All the best to him.

I think he meant to say naggers.