Full disclosure: I hate shooting brakes. Can’t stand the sight of shooting brakes. Have zero patience for anyone who advocates for more shooting brakes.
French car design gives me a...certain je ne sais quoi.
Ford already (kind of) did just that, remember the Model U?
The Eagleman. Cannot be anything worse out there. If there is, may God have mercy on their soul
this thing is literally liveried like a fox news bulletin.
Man, it sure would be nice if you could buy direct from the factory at that factory pricing, rather than having to negotiate a higher price from a middle man who really ends up doing nothing for you other than trying to sell you rust proofing and paint protection packages.
I’m just going to leave this here...
How do we know the Minion wasn’t the one to push her out in the first place? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
“Boy, that’s a real pickle.”
The second plane was a Cessna 150, 1500 Ibs of not too much more than fuel and a couple pilots.
“Bazda wahota, shag. Dobiellia Nok.”
I wish my local police would spend money on stuff like this instead of the surplus military equipment they buy to harass, intimidate, and re-enslave people of color.
So Gay marriage is pretty much like regular marriage? Got it!
Still a better love story than Twilight.
When a man posts revenge porn, does he really think he’s making the woman look bad? Nothing advertises “I’M A FUCKING SCUMBAG DON’T TRUST ME” more than revenge porn.
No, what I saw looked much closer to the Mazda6 wagon - similarly slim taillights and such.
Any word on where he was Russian to?
This is a great example of the free market handling “government business” better than the government.
The Fiat 500X is the same! They are both red