
Agreed. It is a masterpiece but it's going to take time to sink in for some people and for others it's just not their thing. It's definitely ok to like something that other people don't like or pretend they don't like so they can feel all cool about it. That does happen here and elsewhere. It is also okay not to

All these awards are rather silly if you think about them. It's fun to have a favorite performance, though, or to think that one is so much better than another because you felt that way about it. Isn't it? But then it becomes more likely that you are going to dump on someone else's favorite performance or whatever

Doesn't mean they are bad either. He also wasn't moaning and groaning the majority of the time. Watch it again. He did have dialogue, albeit pawnee and he did use other means to communicate emotion, but I suspect you didn't care. No problem, just be honest.

Being unhip should be the least of anyone's worries. People always want to dump on something or someone just because they think it's fun.

Just getting tiresome.

You want to dislike it because there are a lot of people here dumping on it because you like it. They can't help themselves. It's actually ok to like it. You won't be unhip if you do.

Performances cannot be compared fairly. Keep that in mind. Unless of course one totally sucks compared to another. Even then it's not always clear cut.

Entertaining and pretty predictable, but then Damon is a very likeable actor in most of what he does. Guys can relate to him and he's kind of cute in a "puppy" kind of way to girls.

Hell, Leo carries most of the film, groaning, silent or whatever. But, hey, you are allowed to have an opinion so be greatful for that.

Maybe because he wouldn't have had to say anything and he could have mumbled his way through the groaning and moaning parts.

Me too. Get it the heck over. He'll never do anything that'll please all the dopey bastids out there anyhow.

Hahahaha………Hardy mumbled his way through Legend. They honestly needed subtitles for his perf.

He's such a good actor that he would probably get up and congratulate the winner as he just about always has, without grimacing, giving a truly great performance in the meantime. Eddie Redmayne has no chance. How about Fassblender?

Disagree. He did what the performance required of him after being mauled by a bear and did it very well but that is not the entire performance by any stretch so I get tired of hearing that B.S. as if it's some kind of reason to denigrate it. Have you ever watched silent films by the way because you sound like you've

It had a simple surface story with deeper undercurrents, but I guess you didn't catch them. I already said it's okay. Not everyone likes the movie or gets it. It's okay.

The Revenant isn't for everyone, you know. If you like your movies to entertain you with all sorts of nice diversions and happy endings, fuhgeddaboutit. Frankly I'm a little tired of the merrymaking here. I can't bear it anymore.

Not really.

Actually read a piece by a young native woman of today who saw this movie and was deeply affected by that scene, but not in the way you think. In Canada, there is a trail of murders and disappearances of native women that is well known. These incidents are rarely solved. She said it was good to see a film in which

Didn't the real Glass achieve a realization in the book, just not the same as this? Far less dramatic and definitely less cinematic. I liked the idea of the half breed son because it was an interesting side issue of the trapper's lives. They often and rather uncomfortably took wives and lived with native tribes,

You can view the dream sequences any way you want. That's what I liked about it. I enjoy thinking about them as mysteries that layer into the rest of the film. Tarskovski was a heavy influence here — a Russian filmmaker who often had sequences in his films that seemingly made no sense but were hard to get out of