
It's immersive and meant to be viewed as close to the characters and from their perspective. Thus a lack of explanatory narrative in some long stretches. I noticed in the theaters I was in that people were exceptionally quiet even at the end. I felt sort of stunned myself, with my hands clenched together. Not

Maybe you just lack imagination. Have you ever thought about it?

Little is actually known about the real Glass and the book by Punke is actually partial fiction as well. In the film, Glass doesn't actually deliver the coup de gras, so you can't hang that on him.

Only for those with ADHD I suspect.

Willie is smaller than I thought it would be.

Speak for yourself. My husband and I found H8ful to be awful. Dimwitted, too repetitive by far, overly impressed with itself and a big Tarantino jerk off. Not that most of his films aren't jerk offs in some way or other. We like his movies generally speaking, though. Django was much better. To be honest, even

Loved all but the last one. They're all different, which makes this an exciting year for movies in my opinion. There's a little something for everyone really.

Miller is known to be one helluva nice guy in Hollywood. It's a pity that his kind of hard action picture gets overlooked too much, just like comedies often do.

Not all of us found The Martian to be a "great" experience. I thought it was entertaining, well done, but so telegraphed that there was nothing I didn't see coming, even the dialogue seemed canned at times. Damon did a great job, though. That said, Scott is one of the great craftsman directors in Hollywood. I just

Making The Revenant was a much tougher shoot than The Martian, whether you can appreciate that or not. Quite an achievement actually. Did they do it the easy way? Hell no. Did they do some stuff that will less likely be done in the future? Probably. In my mind, efficiency is nice, it can be fun, but there isn't

I loved Fury Road, too. A lot of people I know didn't like it. I had to talk them into watching it again. The action sequences are some of the most exciting I've ever seen especially the big one between Furiosa and Mad Max close to the beginning. Incredible.

Fury Road has Charlize Theron, even better than Hardy in Fury Road. It has Nicholas Hoult, even better than Hardy in Fury Road. Love Hardy by the way.

It's both of us, of course. Boyhood appealed to you and Birdman appealed to me. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Boyhood was fine and I did watch it but I don't feel a need to go there again. I appreciated what the director and cast were doing but it's not my thing. Birdman is a different story.

Each to his own I guess. The Revenant is divisive and may always be to some extent or other. That doesn't negate my experience or that of many others. If you didn't appreciate it, that's okay. It's okay to be wrong, too. No biggie.

It was a joke and everyone from The Revenant laughed.


Birdman is the one true "hip" movie of last year. If you can't watch that film all the way through, watch it bit by bit. I'm telling you, it is the one film that I would label as great with no reservations. It's not the easiest sit but Inarritu's films aren't ever easy sits. I've been watching films for years,

Yep. Some critic said his performance was just situational, as in reacting to situations and not acting. And I answer, aren't all of them situational? Give me a break.

I think The Revenant is the hardest sit of all the movies this year. That said, I still think about it.

The H8ful 8 was pretty bad for Tarantino. The Revenant was great but divisive. It will get more appreciation in the future than anything it's up against this year, with the possible exception of Mad Max. Birdman was the true masterpiece of last year. Sorry, but it was. Boyhood took an interesting idea but I