Danish and Irish butter tho...
Danish and Irish butter tho...
Full fat Greek yogurt FTW! But I don't believe in cereal. I mean, I believe it exists in time and space. I just don't believe that the mass produced, ultra-refined shit should be eaten. But to each their own.
Try Kerrygold if you can find it. I'm not a snob for many things, but I'm a huge butter snob and the grass-fed stuff makes a HUGE difference. My 'spensive butter makes all my cheap food taste amaaaazing.
I know because several Pawneeans tried to eat them, and they didn't digest. See the results on my new segment, "Your Terds with Perd."
Lost Girl, man. You can't go wrong. Also, Stargate SG1. Looking for a completely awesome, well-rounded female character? Dr. Samantha Fucking Carter!
Obviously Ginuwine is just chillin' at the Lake House with Donna and the other Meagles...
Seriously, commenters? This man forcibly aborted a woman's wanted pregnancy from her body, violating her bodily autonomy, endangering her in the process from the potential side-effects including bleeding, and fourteen years is too much for you?
Seems to me a more poetic sentence would have been 18 years. This is a truly horrible person.
I get lazy about getting undressed in the cold, since we don't have heating, and think that with one single shower I am clean enough...
I do remember every hair style I've ever had. Big puffy curls, often flattened to death ( early college years ) or braided into oblivion ( by my father during my elementary school years) or ramen noodle style ( LA Looks curl gel, wasssup!) Thank god for natural hair movement and good product!
We will have to agree to disagree on that one. Do you watch The Blacklist? He might not be the smoking hot youngster he once was, but he still gots it. And could still get it.
Gives new meaning to the phrase "I'm all in."
Steff is the reason we have the term hate fuck.
You: "So, you're an operating system?"
YUP. The Alan Rickman who could bring a nun to climax by reading to her from the Denny's menu, that Alan Rickman.
Sure, this is cute, but if I am going to fall for a disembodied voice it better sound like Alan Rickman. That man is 40 years my senior and I would. Oh yes, I would.
Level one is a Q-Tip in the ear.