
I cannot believe how sheltered these people (Trump supporters (and family)) are. They call US snowflakes while whining (non-stop) on facebook about how mean we are to Trump, TRUMP! A person who built an empire on being mean, a person who whined about Obama for 7 years.

I’m thinking that a “handler” wrote it.

Probably because they were terrified they might be next. I’m 99% sure I would have done the same.

Terrorist. Lets call him a terrorist because that’s what he is.

Look, without making myself completely doxxable, I will say that this falls under my wheelhouse of expertise and as far as I can tell, the truth of the matter is that this was a truly impossible situation for Comey. “Sources and methods” may be a vague concept for most people, but the reality is that years of work and

Eighteen months makes sense to me, when you consider pre-production, production, promotion, awards shows, all that bullshit, and also a personal life – she has young kids and a spouse in the entertainment industry, too.

I’m not gonna demonize her for this, as odd as it came out. Her heart is in the right place. She seems like a good person who is willing to evolve. And with the lack of female directors getting as easy funding as men, every 18 months sounds pretty good, especially with the clout and star power she holds in

This whole thing makes me incredible uncomfortable.
I was raped when I was 15 by a close friend, I never said anything about it and kept on hanging out with him afterwards. So, no I don’t think it matters one bit wether she still texted this guy or even had consensual sex with him afterwards.
However, back in the

I think as someone stated above, it’s more a broader definition of racism that includes bigotry, Maybe seeing the full quote would help. From the linked article, he said:

He was also a Christian pastor, so maybe we should call it Christian extremist terrorism, since that is what it would be called if he were Muslim.

This is NOT ok.