
Yes, and to add insult to injury our godbothering Prime Minister wants women ‘to stand with him’ when he should be standing with us. His response to our marching for justice was that we were fortunate not to be met with bullets for our trouble! Instead of shedding fake tears and mouthing platitudes to assure us that

It doesn’t really matter if he runs for any office. It only matters if he gets elected. If he gets elected it will confirm that Trump was no accident and the USA has serious problems.

I love Joss’s writing and BtVS was my favourite TV show ever. I feel very disillusioned.

I tend to agree. Their speech and actions are disgusting and they are dangerous. BUT. Doxxing carries the risk of inadvertently outing the wrong person and can also drag in innocent family and friends. It’s not likely to encourage them to change their minds – it’s more likely to do the opposite, in fact.

The court’s duty is to do what is in the best interests of the child. Only the child. Not the parents. They listen to very complex medical evidence to decide that. Apparently it is a very painful condition and adequate palliative care cannot be provided outside the hospital. This baby is going to die. There is no

It’s the same in Britain after Brexit. “Wait. What! My friend from Portugal will have to leave? But I only voted to get rid of the Eastern Europeans.” said a racist acquaintance of my sister.