
So... I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that Morgan might also have been abusive to some degree (at least emotionally), but she’s not the one running for office. There’s never a good reason, aside from self defense, to physically attack someone, and Kirchgessner wasn’t defending herself. Having an abusive

You can’t correct for behaviors if you’re continuing to lie about it and publicly slandering the victim. Supporting that is dismissing what her wife experienced.

If Kavanaugh had just come out and said, “I don’t remember this, it’s possible it happened and I thought it was horseplay. I’m sad that Ford is sad,” he’d have been confirmed already.

Takei says he doesn’t remember the guy at all, while Bruntun says they had each other’s phone numbers for a while. I think it makes sense that he’d say it was a long time ago while trying to remember someone he talked with over the phone a bunch of times as well as took out for a date...

Her reason doesn’t make it any better. It makes her look worse.

≥≥Megyn Kelly joked that she could have just given the motorcade a thumbs-down and avoided this whole mess.≤≤

I’m just saying, if she took the plug out it wasn’t to deflate his kayak. It wasn’t inflated and it wasn’t inflatable. The headline of this article is wrong.

He could be transitioning.

Weiner’s lawyers, who are asking that Weiner forego prison time and serve probation, described the girl as “a curious high school student, looking to generate material for a book the government has disclosed she is now shopping to publishers,” and that she sought “somehow to influence the US presidential election, in

Much like the insistence that it’s grossly unfair to ask men to cook, clean or care for their children, because their poor little brains can’t handle it, but somehow they’re perfectly capable of running companies and countries.

I’m confused. If these men are so “weak” and unable to control themselves around a teenager, then why are they in power in the first place? Shouldn’t that exempt them from being put into such positions if they can’t stop getting their dicks out and snapping pics?

I must say, I do so enjoy comments like this ... ‘well a court decision said this outcome, and even though I don’t know the details at all, I’m not so sure whether the subject was justified or not, what really happened, or that I agree because....’ Ahem. You don’t need to know the evidence or even (gasp) weigh in

She won because she proved the reporting was not factually accurate. The “they” didn’t lose because “reasons.” There were no statements “they” offered spoken by Rebel that demonstrated she lied or was a liar. It’s pretty straight-forward, and would be so even in the US.

From what I can tell, the tabloids weren’t just pointing out incorrect things she said, they were editorializing her into - as the article above says - a “serial liar”. Seems like it’s the difference between reporting that I am 31 pounds overweight, ordered two sandwiches at lunch yesterday, and only left a $1 tip at

Yes it is, but this is about Australian tabloids.

I’m glad that someone finally sued over these types of stories. Celebrities rarely go that route considering that there are so many rumors it would almost be a waste of their time. I’m glad this happened. go Rebel!!!

I want to live in a world where Peggy Whitson is the biggest celebrity in America, which she deserves to be.

Her problem is, she still thinks like a rich white man.

Named after its founder John Lynch.