
maybe check YouTube or your library for El Cid. YouTube has a delightful number of old movies

eh, I legit thought Citizen was getting creative with their adverstising from that front on shot.

This is driving me crazy because I haven’t seen anything about it since but I saw a trailer for a show with a guy talks to the dead maybe? All I know is his dead grandmother tells him to go to some town where he’ll fit in and the town is all supernatural creatures just living their lives and trying not to bring notice

This. Exactly what I think happened. I heard more than one bullshit story that would not hold up to legitimate scrutiny by people doing things they weren’t supposed to do. The story was never supposed to get to anybody but their families but apparently Lochte really is too dumb to realize his mother might call the

But in this case, at least according to the story, they only told their families and their families then spread the story, so they did not go to the police or any authority and make and accusation. It seems at least plausible that they made up the robbery story for their families to explain them doing something they

really? I’m not a big sports person and Gymnastics is one of the only sports that I actually watch in non-Olympic years. I watch the college meets all the time. That and track and field 0ccasionally. I’m constantly amazed by the way they are willing to hurl themselves in the air and trust they won’t break their neck.

Not so much fascinated as completely gleeful. Just the idea of the massive amounts of sex that go on in between the intense competition makes me think it really is the pinnacle of human physical achievement. Also, proud they get and use so many condoms, even though tbh I think it should be a secret breeding program

For some reason this used to only happen to me when the sun was shining on me in the car, otherwise I’d be fine. Is this also the reason why I get motion sickness watching people play video games or during crazy camera moves in the Tour de France for instance?

why? they don’t use telephones. He could go through his entire life and never need one or see one in use and it pretty much wouldn’t effect him at all. It’s only because of his muggle connections and the circumstances of the war that it matters. I’d like to think there are people somewhere in the real world that are

Why do fraternities and sororities even exist? the houses are segregated and more or less perpetuate the status quo. For the most part they support and encourage at the worst criminal and at the best? elitist behavior. They exist because tradition and because some people are too awful to care who tradition harms, same

Hence they probably had a wizard accountant or business manager that we never saw. And someone in the back packing boxes. Maybe business had shop elves.

Professional Quidditch player or coach or presumably there are other pro sports, though we only see Quidditch. Mediwitch, Portrait painter, Someone who crafts magical objects ie wand maker, so chess set maker, clock maker, cabinet maker. All can be done without owning the shop as well. Gardner/Farmer/potions

After considering all the informative and fascinating replies to this I realized that zombies don’t wear armor so this guy is still going on my zombie apocalypse combat team.

you have canon so you have something to build off of, not as something to build a temple of worship to how sacrosanct it is. It’s nearly impossible to move from one medium to the next without making some sort of change from the original canon. It’s not like she changed Hermione’s race mid-book.

How expensive were those films though? And how many others haven’t done well that did well in China? Also didn’t Hero get “presented” by Quentin Tarintino? Which means it still needed an “in” to American audiences.

Maybe not racist on their end but if they did it because they couldn’t get an expensive Hollywood movie made without it, then that is a racism related problem.

No, it was not perfectly okay to cave her face in because she started it, but lashing out at someone who is attacking you is a perfectly normal human response for most people. We’d all like to be perfectly zen and let the shit we encounter wash away without covering us but life isn’t like that. I don’t think most

And you also apparently have amazing emotional control, not something everybody, especially teenagers have. I will tell you right now as an old ass woman who basically has striven and managed not to get into confrontations because I have a bad temper and who absolutely thinks the response was out of proportion, if

I live in a state where it’s legal as long as at least one person knows. I’ve always thought that “both parties have to consent” thing was bullcrap. It severely limits your ability to legally protect yourself in certain situations, for instance if a cop pulls you over in California and you record the encounter it’s

wow, I’m even more antisocial than I thought because every aspect of this sounds weird,creepy and dangerous AF.