Aurora Silvermane

Go to Jezebel. They are everywhere come Mother’s Day.

Nothing says “take me seriously” like a bathroom selfie with a urinal in the background.

My question is: if wypipo these dislike The Root so much, why don’t they just stay the hell home??

Show us on this seating chart of the Waffle House where the Black Man scared you.

Mayo Magdalene

Michael, thanks for the kind words to Penley.

The thing is, these people hide behind the generally tolerable ideas of conservatism as a political theory (decreased government spending, government taking less of a role and handing more power to individual states, et al) to justify all the horrible shit they can do.

So, like, I’m not biblical scholar or anything either; I just have a free bible app on my phone. But in addition to using this passage to justify authortarian bullshit, it also proves that these people don’t actually read or study anything from it.

I agree. It is freeing to not view everyone through the lens of potential paramours. I did not reach the conclusion the same way as you, though.

Making mountains out of molehills is the point of the internet. That and porn. Also right wing lies.

But perhaps we should all stop giving a damn.

I am white (just for full disclosure). It seems to me that the term “POC” is not ideal because it centers the conversation around whiteness. You’re either white or you’re not, and POC is the current term for not. So when I say something like “Jeff Sessions is a horrible Attorney General, especially if you’re a POC” it

I think that’s a valid question to ask not only him, but his frat’s leadership

This does not represent my city.

If he didn’t want to be kicked out of the neighborhood, maybe he shouldn’t have shot at his neighbor who politely rang the door bell to ask for directions?!?


Trump’s lawyers are clowns. They are like 4 year olds trying to fight professional boxers. Cohen’s experience is basically paying off people to keep them quiet. Trump’s team has no experience with federal investigations. They are *way* out of their league. Mueller’s about 50 steps ahead of Trump. Trump’s spent all

Advocating for genocide isn’t free speech, it is hate speech, and it is not protected by the 1st amendment

The supper bowl sounds fantastic though.

I’m shocked, SHOCKED that Bernie’s house negro allowed himself to be used by apolitical organization that values White possessions over Black lives.