Aurora Silvermane

As they say; “a hit dog will holler.” I’m glad that Spike Lee used that white-ass platform to speak the truth, regardless of what white people would think. That was dope.

Well said, any serious discussions about race or racism between black and white people isn’t gonna include Donald Trump in any capacity. His brand is racism and stupidity 

The Frothy One is a racist simpleton. He is projecting.

When a man who was raised by a Klansman, who had to agree to stop discriminating against minorities in his real estate business, who took out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of innocent black children, who rose to power on a platform of racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia, and who

Let’s be clear: the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people is projecting. It’s that simple.

If they don’t care about Trump’s lies why would they care about anyone else lying? As long as they can get their agenda accomplished nothing else matters.

I loved that too, but you know what it didn’t do?  Stop them from marching.

Remember this:

“This isn’t the America I know.”

Also, our education sucks.

I couldn’t resist doing the whole “accidentally outed racist” bit here, with the biracial kids/grandkids etc. This country is fucking ridiculous.

Why doesn’t she get it? They let her goosestep in the parade but won’t invite her for the after party. If shit hits the fascist fan she’ll be hauled away too because she doesn’t look Becky enough and all her money or connections won’t save her.

I’m pretty sure Trump Derangement Syndrome is when his supporters deny things he literally and probably said and did because it conflicts with their illusion of reality.

The only fools were the captain and the boating company who still allowed business to happen that day. It’s unfair to assume that customers of any kind of tourism or activity like this, know anything about boating. Cause most times they don’t. They put all their trust in the captain to know what’s right.

Most people don’t have experience boating and don’t realize that boats aren’t immune to that type of weather, especially on a lake. It’s not every day that you hear about a large boat sinking in the middle of an American lake. And I’m not sure what you expected them to do once they’d already left the dock and the

I think you're being a bit generous to our educational system. I would have loved to go to a junior high where you can make up an insult out of the root translation of another person's first name and not have to explain it to the other kids.

I think Jehosephat McGillicuddy is the ultimate Southern Baptist name, but we’d also accept Ezekiel Turnipseed III.

Yep, what they don’t realize is that if their fantasy comes true, they (the poor) will be next.  They already are, to a certain extent, they just don’t realize it.

Gentrification of Baltimore has been ongoing for a decade or more, now. I lived on Mt. Royal and North in ‘07 and already there were plenty of people from DC buying up cheap properties in Charles Village. And it was happening in much the same way it happens all over the place: marginalized whites (creatives, lgbtq,

What pisses me off so much is that gentrification doesn’t have to be a bad word. Bringing a solid tax base back to struggling areas is a good thing, if investment is made in the communities, people, and cultures that are already there, instead of just throwing up a couple of Starbucks, a “vintage” clothing store, a