
Mirrorless is typically like a point and shoot, but it has switchable lenses. They bridge the gap between the two; they're mainly bought for their size, but they still give you flexibility and give you full manual settings as well.

Yeahh, I think point and shoots would greatly benefit from that..

No no no, the best job is being in the planes being photographed. Sure, I'm no fan of the harrier, I only roll supersonic, but man, the views you get in those planes.

The mirror is for an optical viewfinder.

We've come pretty far.

Everytime I see the graphic, in the first moment I think it's a jet engine and it makes me freak because a plane is on the front page of Gizmodo.

Russia's maintenance sucks, their technology is outdated; their avionics are mainly analog still.

Y'know, I feel like almost every Russian plane fails harder than soviet communism.

Picture quality is determined by sensor, and any lens built will just go downwards from there.. Even the L series lenses will affect image quality, even if this is pretty much unnoticeable by them, glass elements just can't be built precise enough to make light travel exactly down to the narrowest detail.

It was, infact it has a elliptical orbit that I missed completely, reminding me why I'm still an idiot.

Yep :(

I missed the elliptical orbit of it, I'm an idiot, but at least I legally have missiles. :PP

I completely missed that, and man, I feel dumb. This is why they will never let me be an astronaut. Sure, they might let me fly planes, but I really am out of my league with this stuff.

Yeahh, I realized how out of my league I was pretty quickly.

Thanks for that. I was way out of my league.

Man, I'm sorry that I completely missed it, but I was applying aviation principals to something completely devoid of that. I never once tried to say I knew what I was talking about.

You're completely right, I'm ashamed of myself from the mass of replies telling me how dumb I am. :(

I messed up as the orbit is elliptical and so it wasn't falling.. It's simply following the orbit.
