
I don't see what the problem is in the things I stated.

Israel is the one who is constantly talking about it, it happens that the U.S. is invested in Israel's security as we're major allies with them.

If you think I'm ridiculous, I'd like to see why, rather than just being laughed at.

Scared? I don't lose a second of sleep over any of those countries. The problem with them is that their governments are a joke, and frankly, the only harm they could do is to themself.


I just hope the reaction would be different if one of our guys got shot up in the sky over there.. Thankfully, it was just a drone.

Most the comments are calling the U.S. a warmonger country because of the drone snooping around?

..Wait, they saved its life?

I love when Jesus posts about planes. Do it more.


'HELLO, I AM THE SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR.— wait, are you not paying attention?! To me?! Why do you like basketball so much?!"

I wouldn't— it's a scary thought.

I've never had a laser pointer problem, but man, who joins the air force expecting to be 'shot down' by a laser pointer? Seriously, it's kinda scary if only because it sounds so silly.

5 bucks omeone's gonna watch the livestream and say they saw a UFO.

I was more bothered by the fact one of the richest men on the planet has a point and shoot.... Why not an L series lens and 1D?

One or two of these looked great. The rest? It burns.

I've had my Kyocera Echo since it came out. Never broke it, never felt like buying a single screen phone either.

First of all man, I've seen all three in person. The fighters do compare to the BUFF in size like that— they're not small planes. Man, I remember the first time I saw an F-16 on tarmac— it's bigger than you expect.

That was rough for the iPhone, it seemed to have disintegrated instantly. That Galaxy just kept going though.

I'm not complaining about this breaking anything, but doesn't it make you nervous how much companies have started throwing magnets on electronics? I keep seeing magnetic items on Gizmodo.