AuroraFirestorm (Alcoraiden)

That was how my last cat died at 12. We ended up doing the IV palliative care until she died naturally, because my partner is adamantly against any kind of euthanasia for anything you care about.

I have run into a major impasse because my partner 10000% percent is extremely passionate that nothing is worse than death. This is one of his core identity beliefs. He would rather be a vegetable for the rest of his life than have a quick and painless death. He also supports this for any of his pets.

Kemp is an election-stealing fraud, and I hate him with a blood-boiling passion.

I wouldn’t eat plain cranberries. Too tart. I want cranberries that taste a bit sweeter, so dried cranberries rock. I guess, grapes don’t even need to be dried. They’re sweet enough.

My personal rankings of this:

Because they taste nothing like the fruit they came from and are gross? :P I mean, personal opinion, but a lot of people seem to dislike raisins’ flavor. They were also pitched as a “healthy snack” for kids who just wanted sweets dammit.

How about no? Raisins are terrible (dried cranberries are 1000x better), and oatmeal has a weird grainy-ass texture that ruins cookies.

Swiss meringue buttercream is subtle, elegant, and incredibly smooth, making it a great choice for complex cake designs.”

American buttercream is the good stuff — it’s that hyper-sweet stuff you find on Costco cakes and such. I tried Swiss Meringue the other day, and it tasted like fucking wax.

I don’t like overripe bananas because they’re too mushy and taste meh. Slightly green bananas have some strength to their texture and are perfect.

100% non-green bananas taste meh. I love the green ones.

You missed the big one: never use water or ice to blend in. It waters down (obvs) the flavor. Just don’t. Use milk or especially yogurt, or juice.

Aw shit. I was going to abandon WoW entirely, and now they make another dragon expansion. I have to come back. I love dragons. I’ve always wanted to play one in a game too.

Stop ascribing malice to people. Sorry your job is really hard. I acknowledge that the things you’re saying seem hard. I sympathize with people who don’t like how expensive alcohol is. I clearly know nothing about anything. See you around the internet.

Jeez, cool your tits. I said that some cocktails are more elaborate than others. I also didn’t say that all of bartending was easy. I didn’t say that bartenders don’t deserve any pay. You’re reading way the fuck too much into what I said and need to dial it down several notches.

WTF is a hob

My guess is they wanted to be really, really damn careful because if they screw this up, they’ll be obliterated by the internet. They’re scared.

Drinks just feel so simple. Dump alcohol into a glass in a specific order. Some cocktails are more elaborate, but like...a gin and tonic? C’mon. Also, they’re not filling.

Within my grasp, yes. Do I enjoy it enough to do it all the time? No.

I don’t go to steakhouses anymore, because food with one or two ingredients tops is easy to make at home. I go to restaurants for one of three things: ethnic food I don’t know how to make, staff to wait on me and cook for me and stuff, or complicated recipes.