Fetch has happened beyond mine and Gretchen’s wildest DREAMS!!!
Fetch has happened beyond mine and Gretchen’s wildest DREAMS!!!
That’s fine. The point is, despite all these gimmicks, they’re still in the minority on Twitch, so clearly men don’t have a huge issue competing with them, despite the complaints that they had an unfair advantage for having cleavage or wearing bathing suits or whatever.
Jist going to point out that Nintendo is enacting the exact same policy with the 3DS eShop.
Digital gift cards are a pretty regular thing and very easy to purchase. Same with just adding money to your wallet. Like, it sucks, I wish they would overhaul the PS3/Vita store. But its not hard.
This is fucking a lot of people up. I’m part of a closed support group for transgender survivors of sexual and physical abuse. We do small events that provide structure to the week like movie view-alongs. Everything bar out mailing list if FB based because it’s literally the only communication system that is universal…
I can say with full confidence that this was some of the best multiplayer in a Halo game that I’ve ever experienced. It’s H3 meets H5, and it’s glorious.
And it was glorious. It’s the closest to the sandbox of the originals they’ve gotten to so far. I haven’t had this much fun playing halo since 2's multiplayer.
Right now I’m picturing Luke reading your post and saying
Halo was the game in college (I’m old now :P ) that convinced me and many friends that FPSs on console could be fun. It was revolutionary for consoles in general in that respect - opening them to one of the largest genres over the following years.
I feel like every person who complained about this controller never figured out that you’re just supposed to hold the middle prong like a handle
This is a gratuitously bad take.
I guess it is an unreasonable demand to say that trans women are women and not men trying to trap other men to wind up getting brutally murdered and stuffed under a motel mattress while their attorneys cite a trans-panic defense. But what do I know, I’ve only almost become a statistic myself a handful of times because…
Sorry to be a downer, but you know this is Rockstar, right?
Twitch is taking a big stand against the organized harassment campaigns, widely known as “hate raids,” that have proliferated over the past few months by filing a suit against two possible coordinators of the attacks.
...we’re not going to see Final Fantasy XVI again for a while, are we?
The Verge accused legitimate tech channels of engaging in a “harassment campaign” and some of the stuff their editor said was downright awful. Etienne himself seems to have realized this, but I’m not sure I’d trust The Verge any further than I could throw them.
“Less than ideal” is disingenuous. Yes, there were some common and silly mistakes, like installing dual channel ram wrong and then fixing it off screen with no explanation or editor’s note. But there were also some serious issues that could have been dangerous or expensive for the target audience (first time builders…
The best part was watching his soul slowly crack apart and fall to the floor on stream when he realized he fucked up and called out the wrong person while being turned into an MvC2 combo/tech video on live stream. The icing on the cupcake is that he blocked the FT15 video behind his sub pay wall. Dude with all the…
I’d be curious to know if purchasing habits, at the very least, skew less toward digital in the Japanese marketplace - if digital sales aren’t ‘big’ in what Sony and Nintendo consider their primary market, it might explain why they’re not reacting as quickly to this sort of thing.