
She has called for the eradication of a group of people. She is below shit, as is anyone who defends her.

That is in no way a fitting punishment for the crime of “hacking” companies that should already have had better systems in place. Does he not have any family, is house arrest not an option? 

So the Share button has effectively become the YouTube button now?

I guess you could use it to post to Facebook, if you’re like, old as bones or something.

Thank you it’s weird how many people here are pretending FFX - FFXIV never happened.

I believe this guy is now upset and crying because basically everyone on the internet is now making fun of for this.

Yeah game pass ads are fine because I have a hard core tendency to only focus on the game I’ve been playing mostly full time so it at least lets me know I should be checking out these other games I could also play since I’m paying for that service lol 

These “family” of websites are UN-FUCKING-USABLE on mobile. It’s a headache navigating while everything constantly loads in and god forbid you’re reading a comment thread or even trying to access comments for that matter. Reload back to the top, good luck. What an absolute joke, I have no shame in using adblocks here.

seriously, last month they had this popup add from the bottom of the screen that would refresh itself and pull you out of whatever comment you were typing which meant you would inevitably tap it and then have to exit that tab and then continue mid word every 45 seconds. 

That annoys me even more. 😂

(Looks around Kotaku page)

Oh thank God it’s almost over.

Theres one little problem with this argument. The issue isn’t that Reddit wants to charge for it’s API, but that the amount they want to charge is astronomical and way higher than other websites such as Imgur, and the extremely short timeline they gave with pricing information.

It helps that some portions of the team behind it trace their lineage to FF12 and even FFT in some cases so of course the vibe was going to match XIV (Koji-Fox, Soken) which also draws from these other two games.

FFXIV but with better non-MMO combat? Count me in

Important note, Marisa is explicitly bi/pan and probably poly. Her questline in world tour questline explicitly has her considering suitors of different genders and then choosing both. She even says theres room for you as a third regardless of what gender you pick for your character.

Shes also thirsty as hell for

Team Xecuter specifically was known for being predatorial. They sold hardware in places such as Latin America (where I happen to be from) and preyed upon people who thought it’d just let them play Switch games for free, instead, their hardware was ransomware that would brick your Switch if you didn’t pay a monthly

...are we really going to write entire articles now about how we somehow expected the Super Mario Movie to be anything more than just a full-length nostalgia bonanza??


Backlash to the Black president was part of what happened, but the other thing that happened was that almost the entire country, conservative and liberal alike, turned on Bush and his ilk. On the left, that was pretty easy because other than for a brief period of patriotic delusion after 9/11, the left always opposed

It’s poetic justice that a mega corp used the policies championed and enacted by the GOP for decades to shut little Ronnie down like a child.