
I didn’t! I’ve now left an update at the bottom of the post clarifying this, thanks everyone!

Did you... time travel from 2007? I mean, I’m so happy you woke up from your coma, but that gripe hasn’t been relevant for a while. Welcome to the 2020s in gaming.

Absolutely. But then, the article is not so much expressing an opinion as identifying a trend. Is the alleged toning down of Saints Row’s comedy “the death knell for silly games”? Because that I find I can argue pretty reasonably.

Sounds like the game franchise you want is borderlands. There you can have tiny tina giggle-squee out the word BACON and really appreciate your spork.

Funny, my problem is that you clearly didn’t watch the game preview. If you think any of that wasn’t ridiculous and over the top, you are, frankly, blind. Your review is a bad take in that you seem to be describing something completely other than what was actually shown, probably for the sake of some clickbait ad

But why does it have outdo itself? THAT is what makes this take bad. Your take is “it’s either all or nothing”, and life is not that binary. There’s room for shades of gray. Maybe they pull back the throttle from SR4 and go to the sense of humor of 2 or 3. That can still be incredibly fun and silly and take the piss

The idea that Saints Row was the last bastion of wackiness or camp in video games is objectively wrong and very hard to even understand as an idea.

Meanwhile, just below this on the Kotaku main page.

This is why you should make Sonic fan games instead.

I liked SR4, it was an incredibly fun game, BUT... the story is just all over the place. The Boss being president is basically irrelevant in the greater scheme of things.

Honestly, aside from not seeing an overabundance of dildo bats, gimp suits, and hookers in any of the trailers, it still reminds me a whole lot of SR3 in terms of over-the-top action and cartoonish gang violence. Even this whole idea that the Saints are now a business/criminal empire / whatever you want to call it

I love the idea that professional gamers have credentials in Japan.   Like now I am imagining someone getting in trouble and being called into the E-Sport Chiefs office and him yelling “Turn in your e-Sport badge and controller, you are off this circuit”

Japan Twitch: “you’re pretty, wanna date?” <2 days later> “I’m quite sorry for my advances, that was unprofessional and I regret my choices”.

This is a very good commentary.

Considering CDPR’s transphobia I do not think you can call it a “good game” without spitting in the face of a bunch of folks, but you do you

Summoning Salt is a YouTuber who puts together fantastic Speed Running Progression videos (they’re essentially documentaries). They’re long, upwards to an hour, but captivating, even if you don’t know anything about the game featured.

The inevitable Summoning Salt video better include her song.

Side eyes... Bethesda? I’m not much of a fan of Bethesda, but aren’t they notoriously mod friendly? They’ve launched mod support for their games on consoles, for Pete (Hines) sake.

The only real way to prevent this level of toxicity in game environments is to fight against it from the start. Once a culture becomes toxic... it’s really, really hard to pull it back.

To this I say, “Gained the Lead”